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Practicing like mad me and Darren have been out in the ocean for the pass two weeks working together giving each other our opinions but also uncle jason has given me tips on improvement and i know I'm ready for my final, i just hope i make my parents proud of my performance when I finished. As aunt Sarah sorts my bird hair of a mess out i look at grandma who's rocking a homemade top reading 'team lottie' they all have numbers one and both uncle Steven and jason had to fight for number one only for grandad to get number one. It was funny watching them argue over who's my number one fan but everyone knows it my parents or more specific my father. He would of made a point to let everyone know how proud he was and how he was my number one fan. Finishing up with my hair i give aunt Sarah a hug before running upstairs to get changed for the finals I'm excited, so is everyone else. The men's final is first and everyone is already there apart from myself and aunt Sarah but I'm rushing to get there for the final couple of minutes, Darren understood that i had to get ready which i love about him. Grabbing my bag myself and auntie both run out the door hoping we haven't miss the last couple of minutes.

Reaching the beach i walk over to everyone watching Darren as he sits waiting for a wave, i have loved watching him surf and train together so I'm hoping he wins and gets his dream come true too as i know how much surfing is too him, I'm exited for him. Once i see him paddling I'm on my two feet jumping up and down for him cheering the loudest, waving my hands up, I'm one proud person standing here cheering on Darren, we haven't spoke about us but I'm hoping we can talk when the time is right and that's not right now, I just want to enjoy the moment. Watching and cheering I have the biggest smile on my face my parents would be proud to see me this happy, they would of also loved Darren. Looking at the clock I notice the minutes, seconds counting down, I'm getting nervous as it gets closer to the end, I have seen Darren last wave and I knew that one was solid but he needs two solid waves. Patiently waiting I see Darren paddle for the last remaining wave, I haven't seen previously waves but I know he can grab this one
"Yes Darren" I shout as he nicks the last wave, standing on my feet I watch closely hoping for him to nail the wave, I have loved watching him surf as he looks in his element. My whole family are on there feet cheering him on, they all love him and want him to succeed in everything.


Waxing my surf board I excited for my finals, I have practiced a lot for this and hopefully I can make my parents proud by finishing what I started. Throwing my t-shirt over my bathing suit I'm ready for this heat, even though I'm against Linda I know it be fun to see what she actually got without daddy money. Lining up with the rest of the girls I'm excited as you get ten waves each and the best two waves add up to predict the winning. As i hear the gun fire off I sprint into the water needing to paddle out to the waiting grounds, dipping under one wave i only just notice Linda next to me paddling with a smug look, i try n0t to over think as I'm positive she wont do anything with the judges watching. As another waves comes i dip under the wave only for Linda to link her arms with mine and pull on my shoulder, all i heard was a click and then a whack by Linda surf board, as i come up for air I can't feel my shoulder, i have stopped dead in the water holding my shoulder in pain. I'm not sure what damaged shes done but i cant move it, there's a sharp pain every time i do. As I'm about to move it, i get hit by a wave sending me backwards and then under the waves, it doesn't take me long to know I'm fucked. Stuck under the wave i trying to reach the top with one arm but its getting harder as I'm pulled under, Linda has done some damage. Unhooking my ankle from the board as its pulling me wherever it goes i swim back to the top for a jet ski to pick me up, hanging on the back i get pulled back to shore only to be in more pain. Reaching the beach i just lay there for a second, catching my breath I didn't realise she pull something like this early in the finals
"Let me look at the shoulder" i hear someone say and I'm guessing its one of the first aids on the beach, I'm clutching it tightly with every move i call out in pain, I haven't moved since I been dragged back to the ocean and doubt i will for another couple of minutes. Letting the first response check my shoulder I know its not going to be good news, i felt it and damn it was like getting hit by a bus
"You dislocated the shoulder"

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