Best friends

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Charlotte pov 

Pulling up to the skate park I look around first when I do I find everyone is gathered round the ramps, but it's not only fans crowded round it's camera crews and all kind of skaters, theres not much space for anyone to walk around In and I very pretty much being touched. I let Katie walk though the crowd first with me following behind trying to hide myself I little better as I don't want to get spotted and crowded round with everyone wanting me to answer questions about me and my career when they should be focused on Katie, this is her day and I intend for her to get the attention she deserves. 

"Charlotte what a lovely surprise. It's so lovely to see you out and about" I hear Katie mum say giving me a side hug with her husband next to her giving me a smile, both of them was close with my parents and they also try to attend every single heat of Katies trying to be supportive, they also tried to attend most of my competitions when Katie dragged them with her. I also heard they visited me in hospital each time bringing Katie. 

"I know, I been busy with school" I say In return as I don't want to say I'm busy with something else as they presume like everyone else does. Standing around watching the skaters I kind of wish I had popcorn with me as I didn't know how interesting it was when they fell flat on there arse, I know I shouldn't enjoy people falling as I know it hurts but its the way they fall, good thing they wear helmets. 

"Up next Your last year national winner, Katie woods" I start cheering as loud as I can for my friend as she stands at the top ready to drop down, the way a smile forms on her face as she starts pulling tricks on each side I knew she loved his sport, before the accident I used to love cheering Katie on and loved watching her do the tricks but ever since the accident I haven't thought how Katie must be feeling about not having me there as I was always there for her

"Come on Katie" I scream as loud as I can with everyone else cheering, as I watch she's on her last stunt and I can't help close my eyes as I don't want to see her fall but she lands and everyone breaks out in louder cheers, I want to scream thats my best friend but I don't instead I cheer with the rest of the crowd with one of the biggest smiles on my face enjoying this more then I thought I would. 

After forty five minutes of intense action the results are in and the final three are waiting for the results to see who topped the lot and my money is on my friend Katie, I wait nervously hoping Katie name is screamed for the top spot but first they have to go though everyone and I hate this part, the waiting. I guess its more nerve wrecking for Katie to see if she still the number one and everyone knows she is...

"Your winner and going to the next round is.... Katie woods" we all hear and everyone starts cheering all over again, I watch as she steps up to get her trophy and you can see the smile on her face, jumping up and down Katie runs over to me with her trophy showing it to me excited about winning, I love seeing the smile she has on her face and I know she wants the same for me but at least one of us are getting our dream come true. 

"Congratulations little birdie" I say giving her a hug for her win, I generally have a real smile on my face for my friend, Katie turns to me with a grin on her face, she hasn't stopped smiling since she won and I don't blame her, she deserved it. 

"Thank you, let's go celebrate" Katie shouts pulling me to her car but I just agree as she wouldn't give me a choice like she didn't when telling me I had to come to her heat but after coming I actually enjoyed myself and next time I wont moan about being dragged instead ill come and cheer her on hoping for the best. 

Getting into the car we head to our favourite cafe, where we have been coming every time we win also they do a killer mint chocolate chip milkshake which I am addicted to for some reason, I don't know how she does them but when I have finished mine I instantly want another one. The owner has also known us since we have been babies as well because both our parents came here all the time when they was in high school but the owner loves us and she loves seeing us win trophies. 

"My favourite two customers, how did your heat go?" The owner Betty asked Katie but you didn't even need to ask as you could tell by the smile on her face as it hasn't disappeared since she won and I'm happy for her 

"I won by a landslide" Katie cheers jumping up and down to happy to stay still, once Katie has finished talking about how she won we place our orders before making our way to our normal corner booth we always sit in when we have won competition. It was a tradition to come here when one of us won but lately I didn't know if I could come back after my parents died, there's too many memories surrounding us in the cafe.

Looking around the cafe they have photos on us around the cafe with our trophies with both of us side by side smiling, I do miss them times but it's a little harder now as when I was surfing I had my parents as my biggest supporters making sure they was heard and now that they have gone I just don't want to do surfing anymore without them because it started as the three of us and now I'm the only one who is left, I miss my parents and wish they was still here but I know I have to move on. 

"Here we go ladies, enjoy" I hear Betty say breaking me from staring at photos, I turn to Betty with a warm smile which see returns before walking off. Once we have our order we sit and talk about everything and anything that none of us realised the time but as we both get ready to leave, a little girl who couldn't be older then ten walks over to the table with a notebook and pencil in her hand 

"Could I have a autograph please" the little girl says so sweetly with her innocent smile, I look at Katie who has a even wider smile on her face, she loves her fans and whenever one comes up, the smile on Katie face extends, everyone looks up to her as a role model

"Of course sweetie" Katie says back taking the note book and pencil from the girl, signing her name. I give the girl a smile before standing up and letting her take my spot so she could talk to her. I walk over to the till to pay my bill when I catch Betty looking at a photo behind her, she didn't see me coming over 

"What you looking at?" I ask with a little bit of curiosity but Betty takes one more second to look at the photo before turning round to me with a smile but I know she was looking at a photo of something but she wouldn't admit to anything. 

"Just a memory sweetheart, what would you like?" I hear Betty say turning round to me with a forced smile on her face but I nearly didn't catch it, almost. The tear in her eyes. if I didn't know better I would say she was looking at the photo of me and my parents smiling with a trophy, I know she wants me to get back on a board like everyone else in this town but I am scared, scared of doing it without my parents, I need them. 

I am scared. 

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