Chapter 3

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Damienette arranged marriage: Part 3

"And why would you tell her everything?!" Jason screamed, still hidden behind Batman's towering posture.

"Because she is my wife Todd!" Damian screamed. The silence in the room was thick enough that if the assassin swinged his sword, he would be able to cut it in half. Finally, Bruce was the one to break it.


This worked like detonating a bomb. Immediately, Red Hood, Red Robin and Nightwing pushed their way into the room and surrounded the two teens.

"You were gone for less than forty-eight hours!" Dick

"How did you manage to get married!" Drake

"You are just fifteen demon spawn!" Todd

"And who is she!?" Drake again.

Talia watched this whole ordeal with no small amount of amusement. That is until Bruce suddenly appeared next to her. His frown was downright scary even for her. "Explain. Now!" The growl was low and emotionless, but it was enough to yet again put the room in dead silence.

"Beloved. It is good to see you too." Talia smiled seductively.

"I am not in the mood. Now talk!"

"Fine." She dropped all illusion of niceness. "I made peace with old enemy of the League. Or even a shaky alliance. But to seal the treaty, an assurance was required."

"And that assurance was?" Jason asked confused, earning a facepalm from Dick.

"The Royal Marriage. An heir of the League and future leader of the Order."

"And that leader would be... her?" Batman asked, not fully convinced.

Marinette was standing there the whole time, greatly uncomfortable with the attention Bat Family was giving her and Damian. She did read a bit on them, but it was always Alya who never shut up about heroes. For the most part, she preferred talk about Ladybug, but lately there was slowly forming a rift. The aspiring reporter was falling into Lila's lies, posting unreliable videos on Ladyblog. Rossi had it for Ladybug and Alya, together with the rest of Marinette's class, was falling for her machinations. They still hanged out with Marinette, but there was this distaste forming around her. She was no longer their to-go person with personal problems, being replaced by Lila who was awful at helping others unless it benefited her. But now Marinette had more pressing matter than a pity little liar. She looked at Batman, then at the bat-kids and finally at Damian. They were all looking at her expectantly.

"Oh right! Sorry. I did it again..." She gave them a sheepish smile. "I am Ladybug, hero of Paris and Great Guardian of the Miraculous." She stated. Most of the heroes (bar Damian who knew a tidy bit about the Order of the Guardians) were confused.

"Paris doesn't have heroes. There aren't even any supervillains there."

"Excuse me?! How does nobody knows what is going on in Paris!" Ladybug shouted. "Ugh! Seriously?!"

Batman narrowed his eyes. "Forgive me, Ladybug, but the Justice League would know if there was a threat in Paris. So who are you really."

"Then ask Green Lantern. He was the one who laughed at my plea for help." She scowled, but then her demeanor changed. She calmed down and gave a sheepish smile. "But guess I should thank him. I can only dread what would happen if Superman was akumatized. Or Flash. Or anyone really. I don't think I could win."

Batman frowned. He would have a talk with Hal once he dealt with this. If there was really a threat like that, ignoring it was not only stupid, but dangerous. And the girl was at best Damian's age. She was dealing with this for how long? The way she spoke suggested that she was in charge. A child fighting in a war all alone.

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