Chapter 20

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Damienette arranged marriage: Part 20


"But MDC is still..." Alix started and suddenly realization dawned on her. She finally connected the dots. From there, she realized more and more. It was like she woke up from some trance. Image of utter fear and regret on her face was priceless. "No..."

Alix run out of class just as madame bustier entered.


After the matter with Akumatized Alix crashed the classroom and was defeated by ladybug and her team, the classes were canceled. Marinette spent the afternoon with Damian, happy to crush him several times in Ultimate Mecha Strike and several other games.

"Can we play something else now?" He moaned as the big red defeat displayed on the screen. He convinced her to go to arcade to have more choice, which proved to be his biggest mistake. The girl decimated him in absolutely everything.

"Oh. Ish baby shad that I win?" Marinette tried to imitate english babytalk, but it did not really work in her favor.

"I see no dishonor in losing to a titular champion." Damian tried to defend his ego, but she only giggled.

"I have an offer for you. If you beat me in any game, you can choose what we do tomorrow." She tried to motivate him.

"You want to repeat it?" He asked surprised.

"Yes silly. I really like you... I mean spending you with time... No wait! Timing with you spend... Spending time with you! I like spending time with you!" She finally shouted, getting some confused looks from people around. That is until they met Damian's gaze and run away before Marinette could get more embarrassed.

"I was just kinda... surprised. Not even my brothers want to spend that much time with me."

"They aren't married to you now, are they?"

"Only you Angel." Damian grinned as she blushed deep shade of red. "I challenge you for a dance."

"What?" She asked confused.

"tt. Dance Off. The game. You asked me to challenge you for a game. That is what I choose." He explained.

"I... never played before." She said a bit shyly.

"Is that a surrender?" He gave her a challenging look.

"Dream on." She retorted and moved to the panels in the back. there were no people currently using it so they jumped on the platforms.

Damian confidently got into stance while Marinette just copied him. One of Jagged Stone's older songs started playing. While the boy immediately started to follow the rhythm and get the perfect score, Marinette clumsily tried to follow his footsteps. She was off balance and hardly following the keys. She missed every third one and never scored perfect. She would definitely loose.

She stopped dancing and took one deep breath. She focused on the song instead of just pressing the buttons. When she started dancing, there was no more clumsiness or flailing hands while losing balance. She was confident, strong and she would totally kick Damian's ass in this game just as well as in the others.

As Damian danced, he kept perfect score. If not for the fact that she's beaten him in every single other game in this arcade, he would actually pity his wife. At least until she started to get perfect score too. Suddenly, they were moving in perfect synch with music and each other. A crowd gathered around them. People were cheering for them. He was pretty sure he heard some wolf whistles from the boys in the back that were directed to Marinette and he was pretty tempted to drop the game and just throw some things at them. Maybe exploding batarangs. Yeah. That would work...

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