Chapter 21

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Damienette arranged marriage: part 21


"So we have literally no clue?"

"Well, if you take in account that Hawkmoth could somehow akumatize himself, we do have one solid lead."

"Who?" Ladybug was very eager to finally be done with all of this and return to being a normal teenage girl.

"Gabriel Agreste." Red Robin displayed a profile picture of the artist for reference.


"No." Ladybug said. "He can't be. I saw him akumatized. He talked with hawkmoth and all. How could one be in several places at once?"

"Did you actually see hawkmoth answer? I don't have too much knowledge about the whole 'magic' stuff, but I see no reason why hawkmoth couldn't have akumatized himself." Red Robin inquired

"Well, for once he was detransformed once he was purified. To akumatize someone he would need to actually stay hawkmoth. Once you drop the transformation your power no longer works." Marinette stated in educated voice. She continued her guardian training with the help of scans of miraculous book. It would be much easier if she actually had a master, but she couldn't force herself to try and contact the order of the guardians. The wound of this betrayal was still fresh.

"But your Miraculous cure fix everything and it stay fixed even after you drop the transformation." New voice joined the discussion. A girl in purple and black outfit dropped from the vents.

"tt. Brown. Can't enter like a normal person?" Damian was clearly not amused.

"Nice to see you too Demon Spawn." She greeted him.

"Father wondered where you went. He will be angry once he learns you skipped school to hang out with your boyfriend in Paris."

"Like you are the one to talk." Tim joked

"I am ladybug. Nice to meet you." Marinette extended hand to the new Vigilante, who took it.

"Spoiler." Stephanie greeted the girl. "So you are the one who tamed the demon spawn? How is it to have a boyfriend from hell?" She joked. Damian was about to huff, but Marinette grinned. Apparently Batman kept the married part a secret. Who said the french girl did not have a troublemaker thread?

"He is not my boyfriend. He is my husband."

Steph choked on her own saliva. "Excuse me what the..."

"tt. Language brown." Damian reprimanded her.

"Shut up Demon Spawn. Oh this is too good. Gurl. We need to hang out some. I want to hear how did you even manage to drag him to an altar."

"He was tied with heavy ropes." Marinette answered truthfully while stuffing a giggle.

"That I can believe."

"Uh... As much as I love the whole 'make fun of Demon Spawn' thing, we have more pressing matters." Red Robin reminded them. "And I agree. From what I gathered, Gabriel Agreste would fit the psychological profile of Hawkmoth. Loner, much free time, irregular work hours, cold and willing to abuse others for his own gain,..."

"Where did you get the last one from?" Marinette asked. She was more curious than questioning the judgement.

"All his career is based on Audrey Bourgeois boosting him. In exchange, he criticized her show and cut most ties with her."

"Hm..." Ladybug focused. She remembered how harshly Gabriel acted toward others on various occasions. He disregarded her even when she saved his life, thankin only when he was in the presence of someone important to him. "Maybe. But what about motive?"

"Duh. Old Gabe wants to make some wish." Steph commented.

"He is already rich and doesn't strike me as a rule-the-world type. What could such person wish for." Damian cooled the atmosphere.

"Some time ago his wife has gone missing. She was officially declared dead, but he never even got her a burial. Maybe he clings to the hope of bringing her back?" Tim displayed several articles about Emilie Agreste going missing.

"I know his son and caring is the last thing he is." Marinette argued. "But... It would all make sense. He might wish for some other selfish thing." She decided that disregarding a trail just because her personal bias would be counterproductive. "Okay. This is something worth investigating."

"About that..." Tim started. "I... already tried hacking his house."

"tt. What do you mean tried Drake. You hacked Bat-Computer at the age of like... eleven!" Damian shouted.

"His security is something completely different. It's entirely off the grid, powered by separate energy source. I have literally no way to connect outside of going inside and plugging myself in. And have you seen this guy's security system? Just last week he installed an automated turrets. Officially, to shoot down the pigeons. But I am pretty sure they can just as well take out any vigilantes trying to get there."

"So we have no way of getting the proof. Back to square one." Ladybug sighted.

"That's not entirely true. We can transfer the files to the police and have them do a full search of the mansion." Spoiler tried to cheer her up.

"I know you in Gotham work closely with police, but in Paris they are not used to dealing with super-villains and rogue mate-humans at each corner."

"You mean Metahumans angel. And it is still worth a try."

"Yeah. I hope." Ladybug wanted this to finally be over.


After the meeting Marinette returned home. Her mother waited for her in the living room. Talia was nowhere to be seen.

"Hello Maman. Uh... Do I want to know what happened to my mother-in-law?"

"Let's just say if she is smart you won't see her again soon. Macaroon?" Sabine handed her a plate.

"Thanks. But what did you mean talking about Talia. You didn't..." Marinette didn't know how to formulate the question.

"Nah sweety. I just explained her the severity of the situation. Aunt Sandra is really fond of you. When I got her on the phone with Talia she explained this hellish woman some things. You have nothing to worry about."

"Thank you maman. I appreciate it. For a moment I was worried about you and Papa." Marinette felt a huge boulder roll off her shoulders.

"I can assure you me and your father can take care of ourselves."

"Against normal villains yeah, but what if someone scarier comes. Or a particularly vicious Akuma?"

"What do you want to say sweety?"

"Maman... I want you to join the miraculous team." Marinette stated and pulled a small box from her bag. 

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