Chapter 16

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Damienette arranged marriage: part 16


"Maman! Papa! I am home! There is someone I wanted to intro..." She walked into the living room, still holding Damian by his hand. The sight was as scary as it was amusing.

Sabine was standing next to Talia Al Ghouls, who sitting there... tied with heavy ropes.


"Maman!" Marinette shouted in panic and wanted to jump and push her mother away from the dangerous woman until Damian stopped her. He was actually chuckling.

"Seriously mother?" He pulled his phone and took a quick photo which he immediately sent to his brothers. "I did not expect you to get beaten by...."

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng! What the fuck is the meaning of this?!" Sabine interrupted Damian. The girl in question shivered. Her mom never cursed. Never.

"Uh... We planned on talking with you and papa today..."

"You are married!" She shouted. Suddenly, before either Marinette or Damian could react, someone grabbed him and lifted him in the air. Tom was having a very serious face.

"tt. Drop me!"

"I don't think so young man."

Papa! Maman! He is innocent! He didn't want to go with this either!" Marinette actually feared for what would happen to Damian. I just hope that having one Akuma today would be enough for Hawkmoth...

"Sweety... Do you know who he is? Who his mother is?" Her mother's voice was a bit more caring and worried instead of angry.

"Yes." Marinette stated firmly. "He is my husband and she is a bitch." She explained, remembering the excruciating pain in her heart that was caused by the ritual. The bluenette fully expected her mother to scold her for cursing. Instead, all she received was a shrug.

"Maybe you do know her then..." Sabine looked a bit amused.

Bewildered, Marinette looked at Damian, who was still hanging in the air held by the neck. He only shrugged. "You are not wrong Angel." He winced as Tom tightened his grip.

"Mmfmfmfmf!" Talia gave a muffled sound. Only now Marinette noticed that she had her mouth plastered with silver tape.

"It doesn't change the fact that you are married! This is serious Young Lady!"

"I know!" Marinette lost her patience. This day seemed to just go on and on and she wanted to finally lie down and rest. "Do you believe I chose it?! I did not! I woke up and was told that it was this or mass genocide of monks who apparently considered me their leader!"

"Oh sweety. I am sorry. This must be so hard for you too." Her mother walked and hugged her. A tear formed in Marinette's eyes. Her parents were harsh sometimes, but they turly loved her.

"Why would this monks believe you as their leader." Tom asked confused.

"Because... I am ladybug."

"You've got to be kidding me." The baker exlaimed.

"No Mr. Tom. She is saying the truth." Tikki decided that this was the right moment to show herself.

"AAAAAH!!! Flying bug mouse!" Tom screamed and dropped Damian in surprise. The teen fell with loud THUD!

"That could have gone better..." He commented.


Three weeks ago

"Father..." Adrien walked into Gabriel's atelier. "Can I... ask you something?"

"Yes son. What is it that bother you?" Since they revealed their identities to each other the two of them became much closer. Gabriel often enclosed the details of his plans to Adrien and the boy gave his opinions. Chat Noir stopped going out to help Ladybug, but he didn't attack her either. They wanted to retain the element of surprise.

"Well... My Kwami said that Black Cat holder and Ladybug holders are always supposed to be soulmates, perfectly complementary, made for each other. And yet my Lady is married to someone else. She never felt anything for me..."

"She is not a true Ladybug then." Older Agreste said dismissively, not looking up from his designs.

"What?" Adrien exclaimed surprised.

"You said it yourself that she is married." Gabriel still didn't look up from his designing board. "So she should have already unlocked her full potential. If she didn't, it means she should have never been chosen as Ladybug in the first place, much less a guardian."

"So she was never really my Lady..." The boy almost whispered. This time his father actually bothered to look up. He saw the dull look in his son's eyes and walked to him. He placed a hand on his shoulder, making Adrien look up to the older man

"There is nothing wrong with being mistaken." He started. "You are still young. Once we take the miraculous away from the imposter and restore your mother, you will be free to give the earrings to the girl that is truly made for you."

"But... How will I know her father?"

"You already do. She has a true soul of creation and pure heart. That girl... Marian or something."

"Marinette?!" Adrien beamed

"Yes. I suspected her for being Ladybug for a long time until you revealed the truth. She is a true Ladybug, one made for you."

"But she is... You really think she is the best for me, Father?"

"Yes son. I believe that you two should be together. But she needs your help."

"Is it about Lila father? I am sure you know that the girl is a liar, but you always taught me to take the high..."

"Lila is part of the plan. Your Ladybug suppresses her emotions constantly. She avoid my grasp. Out of her class my Akumas can never reach her and her alone. She always push it away. But I know she will be my strongest akuma ever. I believe she will be able to take away Ladybug's earrings, partially because they belong to her."

"So you made Lila do all those things?!" Adrien raged.

"Son. Remember why we are doing it. Remember what is at stake."

"Forgive me father. I... I allowed emotions to take better of me."

"I do not fault you son." Gabriel comforted him. "But for my plan to succeed, she must succumb to her emotions. And look at the class. They abandon her the moment they get better alternative. Are this really the friends she should have?"

"I guess not Father. You are right."

Gabriel grinned. His son was so pure and gullible. It was too easy to earn his loyalty and compliance. The boy would believe anything he said. Soon, he would have his greatest Akuma and both Ladybug earrings and Black Cat miraculous. He would even get all the other miraculous since Ladybug was the new guardian. All he had to do was play his pawns right.

"I know this must not be easy for you my son."

"No Father..." Adrien's expression changed and for the first time Gabriel saw himself in the boy. This was not the gentle, naive boy. It was almost like he looked in the mirror. Cold and calculative eyes and malicious smirk. "She will be mine. And we shall have a perfect family together, like we always dreamed."

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