Chapter 22

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Damienette arranged marriage: part 22


"I can assure you me and your father can take care of ourselves."

"Against normal villains yeah, but what if someone scarier comes. Or a particularly vicious Akuma?"

"What do you want to say sweety?"

"Maman... I want you to join the miraculous team." Marinette stated and pulled a small box from her bag.


"Oh sweety." Sabine took the box and opened it. Inside laid a panjas bracelet with tiger mark in the middle. "You didn't have to. Your old lady can kick ass without such things." She smiled and put on the bracelet. A dark pink spirit reassembling a tiger appeared.

"Oh! Hi there. Hi hi. I see I have a new wielder." Roaar turned to Marinette. "Thank you guardian for choosing me for this. I am sure we will achieve great things together."

"No problem Roaar. I hope you two will get by great together." The girl smiled at enthusiastic Kwami.

"Uh... Hi little spirit. My name is Sabine." Mother spoke, getting Roaar's attention.

"Ah. Pleasure to meet you. Hi Hi. I am Roaar, the kwami of power. I can grant you the strength, speed, agility or endurance in battle."

"Roaar is also very friendly. You told me that you wish to have someone to read books with like the old times but I am always busy. She said she loves adventures. I am sure you will have a perfect time together maman!" Marinette was beaming. She could already see that her mom and the kwami would match each other perfectly.

"That is indeed very considerate Marinette. Thank you for this gift. I can assure you we will do our best to help you sweety. And kick Chat Noir in the ass the moment I see him." Sabine smiled overly sweet at the thought.


The next two months passed without much progress. Police disregarded the evidence whatsoever and all attempts to infiltrate Agreste manor ended with failure. The new heroine Pink Tigress joined the permanent rooster of heroes in Paris. Ladybug offered her father a miraculous too, but he decided that he will leave this stuff to the awesome girls in the house.

Marinette spent most of her days either with Damian or Chloe. The girl didn't pester Marinette for a miraculous like she expected and even covered for the young heroine when she needed it. She declared that she will earn her right be hero properly this time. But she was still her sassy self.

Alix indeed shifted sides, but so far she was unable to convince anyone else about Lila's lies. Any attempt would end up with some Akuma and later the person would not remember what caused it or would eat up Lila's lies. In the end it seemed that the liar was rooted too deeply to remove her. It didn't really disheart neither Damian nor Chloe from trying. The two made it their personal mission to at least make Lila fear for her little empire at each step, albeit with little success besides few Akuma attacks. Marinette had no way of persuading them to stop.

On the bright side of things, Sabine got in contact with Cass. At first the girl was reluctant to trust her newly discovered aunt, but as the relationship progressed the two woman got on the good side. Roaar also helped. Even if the sprite was not visible on camera, she still spoke on the phone and somehow the curious cat made Cass open up just enough for Sabine to make a connection.


With the trip rapidly approaching, Ladybug called the war council. All of the heroes gathered in Hotel Grand Paris since it was easier and less risky. They all came in civilian clothes under different guises. Only Pink Tigress actually used her hero persona to enter. And chat Noir was not invited. Nobody wanted him and Tim decided that he had some revelation about the cat.

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