Chapter 19

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Damienette arranged marriage: part 19


"Will do madam." The young Wayne actually smiled. He always respected Cass and was happy that maybe the girl would find some of her family.

The happy atmosphere was broken when suddenly Talia crashed the chair she was tied to and freed herself.

"You are all in. So. Much. Trouble!" She spat through clenched teeth.


Damian, Marinette and Sabine all got into battle stance. Talia was furious, but she didn't attack immediately.

"I was never before humiliated like that!"

"I don't know Mother. I would say when you run into Deathstroke's trap it was pretty close." Damain gave her sarcastic grin.

"You... You... Stupid child!"

"That's the best you can come up with?" Marinette smiled. "Tikki! Spots on!"

In a flash of pink light transformation occurred and Ladybug was combat ready. Damian held his hand close to the sword and Sabine only smiled.

"Each of us could take you out alone mother. What makes you think you stand any chance?"

Talia's gaze shifted between the three. Her muscles tensed and she still prepared to jump. Instinctively, Damian moved a bit to the left to be able to protect Marinette (not that she needed). Suddenly another chair crashed on Talia's head. Almost immediately her eyes rolled back and she fell unconscious. Behind her stood Tom with what remained of the chair.

"Nobody hurts my family." Tom stated adamantly. He then dropped what he held and walked back to Sabine and Marinette and pulled them in a bear hug. Damian just stood there awkwardly before Tom looked at him expectantly. "I may not like you yet, but you are still part of out family now. Come here!" A bit reluctantly, Damian approached the baker who quickly pulled him into the hug as well. The young Wayne wanted to protest just for a moment, but he quickly embraced the hug in the end. It felt nice. He actually liked the warm feeling.

When they separated, Damian still stood there awkwardly. "I... I will go call father and ask about Cass."

"Yes. And I will go call my sister. " Sabine stormed from the room reminded about what was on agenda before Talia decided to make a show of herself. Marinette detransformed and helped her father tie the assassin lady better. Once Damian finished the call he also helped and made sure she could not escape. A pair of magnetically locked cuffs helped greatly.

Sabine returned to the room less than happy, but also no longer so furious. "At least Sandra didn't try to lie her way out. She admitted to everything. She even apologized."

"Lady Shiva... apologized?" Damian asked bewildered.

"I told you she was a sweety." Sabine said it like it was most common knowledge in the world. Damian was about to leave when Sabine stopped him. "Would you mind staying for a moment? I want to talk with you alone."

Marinette and Tom took the clue and left the room. Damian was a bit unsure what to do, but his mother-in-law pointed to the place on the couch next to her.

"Um... What you wanted to talk about Ma'am?" He asked, no longer fooled by her warm smile. He was certain that this woman could very well kick his ass any moment she wanted. And she was his mother-in-law and he did not want to piss her off.

"What are your plans for my daughter. You two are married, but what next?" She asked bluntly.

"I wish to be with her. I am willing to work with her to make it work." He answered honestly. Sabine nodded, still with her smile on, and motioned him to continue. "I didn't choose this either, but I... like Marinette and want to make her happy." Damian hated talking about his feelings. He rarely did it even with family, much less with any strangers.

"I can see you are Talia's child. She was never an outspoken one either." Sabine commented.

"tt. No ma'am. I am my father's son." Damian couldn't help but feel irritated. He hated when someone compared him to his mother. He spent last five years trying to cut himself off from her. She was evil and manipulative. He didn't want to be like that. He chose to follow his father, not her.

"Bruce Wayne, right? Batman."

"Yes." After that there was silence. Both of them waited for the other to start/continue.

"Okay. Since I can see you are tired after the day, I will make it short." Sabine finally concluded. "If you ever hurt Marinette, not even your father will find the body." For just a moment, her smile disappeared and Damian shivered involuntary. She would go forward on her threat and make it happen.

"If I do hurt her Ma'am, then you can do what honor demands." He answered cautiously.

"Great. And you can just call me Sabine. We are family now." She returned to her normal smile.


Next day, Marinette came to school a bit earlier than usual (that is she was not late). In the back Damian waited for her with her notebook open. On the other back desk sat Chloe and sent her a smile that somehow unnerved the bluenette. She was planning something. Then, Marinette noticed that Damian had the same smile.

Lila of course was babbling the same lies as usual. "Oh, My Damiboo is so sweet. I am sure that once we go to Gotham he will propose to me. We will both be sixteen so it's legal. My mother won't mind and Bruce loves me like a daughter anyway." She grinned as her group of followers ohed and ahed at her.

"Actually..." Damian chimed in from the back of the class, "I heard that Damian Wayne is betrothed to none other than MDC. Apparently he was tired of this little game of yourse. Gotham is buzzling with this gossip."

"As if!" Alya shouted. "Nobody would choose some other girl over Lila."

"You are ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!" Chloe started like her usual self. "Use this half of the braincell you have left and think. Of course Damian would not wait for Lila forever. He just decided to find someone who would stay with him in america instead of traveling the world."

"How dare she! It was Lila who introduced MDC to Jagged stone. If not for her that designer would be nothing." Rose screamed.

"Maybe she just took the chance and moved to gotham to be closer to Jagged Stone."

"But MDC is still..." Alix started and suddenly realization dawned on her. She finally connected the dots. From there, she realized more and more. It was like she woke up from some trance. Image of utter fear and regret on her face was priceless. " No... "

Alix run out of class just as madame bustier entered. 

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