Chapter 23

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Damienette arranged marriage: part 23


"[...]Coincidence? I think not!" He screamed.

"That is indeed some revelation..." Kagami started, but Tim shushed her.

"That's not the end. I believe that Chat Noir is now working with Hawkmoth!"


"What!?" Was the most common reaction, coupled with drawing a very sharp weapon.

"Silence!" Tim screamed. Everyone immediately calmed down, awaiting explanation or something. Instead, he just pulled out a small pocket flask and took a deep swing.

"It was coffee, wasn't it?" Damian deadpanned.

"No Demon Spawn. It was the best brandy I could steal from Jason." He paused for a moment. "Of course it was coffee. Do I look like some barbarian to you?!"

"Just get with the story Poirot." Chloe urged him while shifting in her place. Inside, she was wondering if Sabine would borrow her some of those weapon of hers.

"Fine. Look. It's either that or hawkmoth is even bigger idiot than I believed him to be, which is highly unlikely. He akumatized someone who had one thing he desired. Instead of making him hand the ring immediately, he just allowed him to run free. It doesn't make much sense."

"Chat got possessed by akuma many times. The always just disregarded it and wanted to take advantage of his abilities to take me out." Marinette pointed out.

"Yes, but I already established that Akumatization distorts your perception of reality. It makes you focus only on the goal and disregard things like common sense. But hawkmoth has no such thing. He could just demand of him to give the ring and then send him after you. But he didn't. It's either that or he was compromised after. But the fact stood that Hawkmoth had to know who Chat was even by simple fact of what he desired. And the new upgrades around the manor. They would not allow Chat Noir or Adrien to sneak out any time and he was sighted helping people around the city several times. He just doesn't come close to Ladybug or other heroes."

"So he makes sure people don't suspect a thing while keeping safe distance from us, acting like he is just throwing a hissy fit about me being married."

"Mari-san. I still can not believe the feline learned about the marriage before us." She motioned to her and Luka.

"Sorry. I wanted to get him of me. And it was actually a good strategy to make my secret identity safe."

Damian nodded. "That was indeed brilliant. Marinette Dupain-Cheng was not married. They would not accuse Ladybug of lies and they would not suspect a fifteen years old girl of being betrothed to anyone."

"Yes. But if I knew that he would act like this and... betray us, I would not disregard his feelings like that."

"Is that self-pity I hear Mari-bug?" Chloe suddenly turned to her. "I thought I told you that you are not to do that in regard to that blasted moggy."

"Sorry Chlo." Marinette gave her a sheepish smile. Stephanie had to hold back a chuckle.

"Fine. Carry on Dupin." Chloe waved her hand at Tim, who shrugged at the nickname and displayed another thing. This time it was a video of final moments of Chat d'Amour. He played it whole and then paused and backed it. He played it slowly this time, commenting in real life time.

"The video has no sound recorded and magic of the miraculous makes lip-reading impossible even with strongest software available. But look closely. First, he talks with Hawkmoth through this butterfly connection. Then, the akuma is released. Now look at his expression." Tim paused and zoomed in, sharpening the image. "He looks disappointed. Not in regretful way. It is more in the lines of 'I agree with the judgement'. Now one could say that he just made a mistake and was ashamed. But! He runs off in the direction of Agreste Manor instead of facing Ladybug. Think why would Hawkmoth recall his precious Akuma. It was only After Jon arrived. Chat could very well fight on or change strategy. Hawkmoth never cared about casualties in his Akumas. So why suddenly care about this one? Why take the power away and make him run. Chat is fast, agile and sneaky. He could avoid Jon and just deliver the ring. The decision was pretty much worst tactical move ever. Unless! You factor the parental instincts and the fact that he could take the ring anyway. They are working together or at least know each other's identities!" Tim proclaimed.

"Nice work Veronica. I am actually impressed." Chloe complimented.

"Veronica?" Sabine looked funny at the mayor's daughter. The older woman felt a bit strange sitting in there with all the kids.

"Ugh! Veronica Mars! Seriously? It's a classic! Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!" Chloe complained.

"This is just suspicion. We can't make a move based on suspicion." Marinette sighted.

"We can. It is enough to justify storm on Agreste Manor."

"If we are wrong we risk complete failure. We will alert Hawkmoth about our arrival..."

"Actually..." Stephanie grinned. "We don't need to risk anything. We know Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir. The hero who's gone rogue. You are the guardian Ladybug. Isn't it your job to reign him in?"

"Yes, but..." Ladybug was still unconvinced.

"We will use this as an excuse to enter the mansion. Chat lost the privilege of being a hero long ago. He is no longer helping and to be honest he was never a good helper." Tim commented.

"Okay. If this is for the best..."

"It is sweety. Don't cry over the milk spilled by a moggy that will end up skinned anyway."


"Fine. But I know where he lives, so he better not try anything else with you." Sabine threatened.

"It's decided then. The Miraculous team will enter through the front doors while the batboys and I use the commotion to sneak inside." Stephanie beamed.

"Yes. If Chat won't give up his ring, we will have a fight at our hands. It is possible that Hawkmoth and Mayura also get in the fight and they might drag the Gorilla into it. We must be prepared that this is when the final battle happens..." Tim kept his emotions in check by downing another hip-flask of coffee. Where does he even keep all that?

"Papa will help us on this one. And maybe we should call the cavalry from Gotham?"

"Relax Angel. We have two to one number advantage. We can deal with them." Damian reassured her.

'Fine. We two weeks until we leave. It is decided then. In one week, we storm the Agreste Manor."

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