Chapter 5 Are you her boyfriend?

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It had been a week since Jax and Rose had spoken to each other.This made Jax question even more if he really was Gilly's true love.

Besides that,Jax kept wondering,Where were Gilly's family.Jax had figured that they would have known by now.Jax stood up from the hospital chair and walked towards the window.

He stared out of the window for 2 minutes,looking down at the village.
Rapunzel walked in and greeted Jax.
"Hello Raz,I have a question,Does Gilly's family know about her being asleep?"Jax asked.

"Yes they do,in fact,they are going to visit Gilly today"Rapunzel said.
"Ok"Jax said.They spoke for a few minutes before Rapunzel left.
Jax sat back in the hospital seat and stared at Gilly.

He thought about all those times they would sneak off during "Wand What You Want",and sit up on the roof and have a picnic.He held her hand and smiled.

An hour later

Jax was sitting when Gilly's family came into the hospital.Jax stood up and greeted them."Where is my daughter?"Hal,Gilly's father,asked.
"She is right there"Jax said pointing to Gilly's bed.

Eva,Gilly's mother,looked at Gilly with a sad face."Is she going to be ok?"Trixie asked?"Yes"Jax said."Has Alva attacked her again?"Hal asked."No sir,I have been here day and night and I have not seen her get attacked"Jax said.

"Thank you,Jaxson,for taking care of my daughter"Eva said."Please just call me Jax"Jax said.Han,Hamish,and Trixie ran towards Jax."Thank you so much for taking care of Gilly"Han and Hamish said.

"Gilly is lucky to have such a true and loyal friend"Hal said."I'm the one who is lucky,Gilly is the funniest person I have ever met"Jax said with a smile.
Everyone thanked Jax and continued to care about Gilly.

It seemed as if Gilly's family thought of Jax as just Gilly's friend,but Felix had a different thought.Jax had backed away from Gilly's bed to let Gilly's family have some room.

Jax was next to a window and Felix walked up to him and tugged on his arm."Excuse me,I have a question"Felix said."Are you her boyfriend?"Felix said pointing to Gilly.

Jax's face flushed with color."N-No I'm n-not"Jax said nervously.Felix eyed him curiously."Ok,sure"Felix said walking towards his parents.Jax took a few seconds to calm down.

Jax stared at the Cobblers.He noted how each one of them shared a trait with Gilly.Hal seemed to have Gilly's toughness,Eva had that caring touch that Gilly has.

Felix has that suspicious mindset that Gilly has,Trixie had Gilly's child-like attitude, and Han and Hamish had Gilly's craziness.Jax chuckled to himself,thinking of all the weird memories they must have.

"Excuse me,Jax,is there a way to wake Gilly up?"Hal said.Jax froze.He didn't want to bring up that again,but as Gilly's parents,they had the right to know.

Jax sighed."We have found out that the only way to wake her up is...A true love's kiss"Jax said.Everyone's eyes widen."Gilly's got a boyfriend"Han,Hamish,and Trixie sang.
Hal and Eva were shocked.Felix had a puzzled look on his face.

"Um,who is Gilly's true love?"Eva asked.
Jax was nervous about answering.
He looked at them and said,"We haven't figured that out yet." "Well if my daughter does have a true love,please inform us if she wakes up"Hal said.

"I will"Jax said.The Cobblers left a few minutes later.Jax sat back down in the hospital chair and sighed."Well now there's more people who want you to wake up"Jax said.

Jax stared at Gilly.He noticed how her skin was getting less pale.He smiled hoping that soon she'd get healthy again.He missed hearing her laughter and seeing her smile so brightly.

He wanted to see her happy,he didn't want to see her like this.He didn't want to see her hurt but she was getting better and Jax was happy.

Jax grabbed her hand and gazed dreamily at her.As Jax stared at her,Rapunzel walked in the room.
She noticed Jax staring at Gilly and smirked.She cleared her throat and Jax jumped.

"Holy Grimm!,you scared me"Jax said.
"Sorry,was I interrupting something?"
Rapunzel said pointing to Jax and Gilly's hands.Jax's face flushed with color."No,you were not,I was just,um, watching out for her"Jax said.

Rapunzel laughed."More like watching her"Rapunzel said.Jax gave her a playful glare."You love her,admit it" Rapunzel said."Yes I do,and I will always love her"Jax said proudly.

Rapunzel claps."Finally you're proud to say it"Rapunzel said."What's supposed to mean?"Jax asked."Well,whenever you say you love her,you always sound sad or nervous"Rapunzel said.

"Well,how would you feel if you didn't know if the one you love,loved you back?"Jax said."I'd feel sad but hopeful, and try to express my feelings for that person"Rapunzel said.

"Gilly's special,trying to express my feelings to her would be difficult,what if I get her a gift?"Jax asked. "Jax,Gilly is very special,but don't forget she is not all about extravagant things, its the little things that matter"Rapunzel said.

Rapunzel stood up and walked away.
Jax thought about what she said for sometime.Jax stared out a window and looked at the Village.Jax stared at the harbor.He remembered when him and Gilly crashed a party to get back into FTRS.He smiled.

Jax sat back down in his chair and took a deep breath.He grabbed a nearby book titled "How to tell Right from Wrong". He thought about whether it was right for him to try to wake Gilly or was it wrong because she didn't love him back.

He continued to read until it was time for bed.He fell asleep right next to Gilly, Like always.

{{{Hello guys.Sorry its been so long since I last uploaded,but I have been stressed with school work.Now we have spring break(woo hoo)I will be uploading next friday.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter,I know I did.
See you next chapter}}}

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