Chapter 7 Another battle

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Here is chapter 7 sorry for making you guys wait.

The Ball was just three days away,and the entire Palace was frantic.Jax had woken up early and went towards the Ballroom.
On his way,many servants were running back and forth.

When Jax arrived at the Ballroom,it was a mess.Everyone was panicking and running around carrying a variety of boxes."Umm...What's wrong?"Jax asked,as he went towards Ella."Well,Rose has decided that we should invite other kingdoms to visit,That's too many people and we can't keep up!"Ella said,sounding exasperated.

Snow ran into the Ballroom carrying a box of ribbons."What are those for?"Ella asked.
"Rose said that we should add more decorations to make the Palace "extravagant""Snow said.Rapunzel walked towards them and took the box of ribbons.
She gave the box to Jax.

"Here,go put these in the hallways"Rapunzel said."All of the hallways?"Jax asked.
"All of the hallways"Rapunzel said.
"Oh boy"Jax said.He started walking around the Palace,putting up the ribbons.He spent 2 hours putting up ribbons.When he finished,he went to the infirmary.

He sat back down in the infirmary chair.
He looked over at Gilly.She still had some marks on her body and was still a bit pale.
He sighed and looked out the window.
He felt bad that Gilly wasn't awake to spend time with her family,but he knew Gilly didn't like being home since Anna still wasn't back.

He really hated the fact that Gilly still believed that Anna could change easily.
Even after everything Anna did,Gilly still saw good in her.But Jax understood,Anna was Gilly's sister.He noticed how something seemed strange in the sky.

There was a part of the sky that was opening up.He held Gilly's hand tightly as he watched the sky.All of a sudden there was a crash.Jax got up and checked around the nearby hallways.He saw Raz on the floor,surrounded by a bunch of roses.Jax ran over to her and helped her up.

"What happened?"Jax asked."I was carrying this box of roses when I got distracted by the sky"Rapunzel said."What?"Jax asked.
"Look,It looks like there are people in the sky"Rapunzel said looking out the window.
"That's strange,I saw the sky opening up earlier"Jax said."Hopefully it's nothing to worry ab-"Rapunzel was cut off when the grounded started to shake.Jax and Raz made eye contact.

They looked out the window and saw a beanstalk growing out of the Palace grounds,and up into the hole in the sky.Jax's eyes widen.He saw people climbing down the beanstalk. Rapunzel and Jax ran towards the Ballroom.The chandelier in the Ballroom had fallen.There was crystals everywhere.

"Is everyone alright?"Jax asked.There was murmurs of yes.Jax ran towards the window.He saw people nearing the castle.
They looked like a group of children and-
"Rumpelstiliskin!"One of the servants said.
Everyone freaked out."Everyone,please remain calm"Jax said,trying to relax everyone.

"Guards,go block the main entrance,everyone else please go somewhere safe in the Palace"Jax said.
The servants ran to other areas in the Palace.The guards ran towards the main entrance and held up their weapons.

The Royals stayed behind and grabbed their own swords.The main entrance was broken down by The RS squad.The guards began battling the RS squad.Jax was fighting an RS member.Jax swung his sword,hitting the RS member in the knee.

The member fell to the ground in pain.
Jax looked around and saw a few of the RS squad sneaking off to somewhere in the Palace.Jax followed them.He recognized the way they were going.This is the way to the infirmary,why are they going there?Jax thought.

Then it hit Jax.GILLY!Jax thought.He ran towards the infirmary.When he got there,
He saw one of the RS members carrying Gilly in his arms."Too late,little prince" Rumpelstiliskin taunted.Jax ran towards the RS member but another RS hit Jax in the leg with a sword.

Jax fell down but he got back up and started battling the RS members.Rumpelstiliskin and the other RS member already got away.
Jax mentally cursed.He hit a kid in a stomach.Another one hit Jax in the head.
Jax fell down again."Look at him,so weak, just like his sleeping girlfriend"One of them teased.Jax looked up and glared at them.
Jax got up and kicked the RS member in the knees.

Jax punched another one in the face. Jax swung his sword again,hitting a kid in the stomach.Another RS member ran into the infirmary and shouted."We got Gilly,let's go" He shouted.The RS members started running towards the exit.Jax ran after them.
He began fighting another one of them.

The other RS members were able to get away.Jax hit the kid in the back of the head,knocking him out. Jax looked out the nearest window.The kids were already gone."Dammit"Jax said.He turned around. The guards had a few of the RS members handcuffed."What shall we do with them?" One of the guards asked."Take them to the dungeon"Jax said,angered.
"Yes sir"The guards said walking towards the dungeon.

Rapunzel walked towards Jax.Her hair was a mess and the bottom of her dress was torn."Wow,I've never heard you so angry before,what's wrong?"She asked."They got Gilly"Jax said,with glare.
Rapunzel's eyes widen."We'll question the RS members to see what they plan to do to Gilly"Rapunzel said,putting a hand on Jax's shoulder.Jax walked to his room and began writing a letter to his friends.After he finished,he stared at the clouds.

I will get Gilly back,no matter what.I will make sure those her harm her will get their karma Jax thought.

{{{There you guys go sorry it took so long,but here it is,you happy now?
Now time to wait for the next update
Bye now}}}

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