Rui x Reader

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The cold winter breeze hit her pale, ghostly face as she opened her eyes.

A soft material - fur, touched her skin gently. She could feel the creature sniff her face without rest, slightly tickling her in the process.

It was her first time feeling something soft in quite a few years. The girl's head swirled and ears buzzed with the echoes of the winter wind. Fighting the urge to vomit, she slowly helped herself up.

However, her limbs failed to uphold themselves, and she plopped into the snow once more. Adjusting her eyes to the bright environment around her, she dizzily inspected it.

She was in a snow-covered forest, millions of trees surrounded her. On any other day, this would be the most beautiful sight she had ever seen, but her mind failed to recognize the beauty of the woods. 

Acknowledging the awful headache.

Confusion struck her, and some energy came back into her, 'where am I?'

Truth be told, the woman was deemed to be cold-bloodedly murdered by her fellow townfolks. To them, acts such as 'helping demon slayers' were evil. The people in her village believe that because demon slayers associate with demons - they are cursed. Therefore, they're evil.

Hence, it made her chuckle.

Such nonsense people believe in.

As the girl got used to the buzzing in her mind, she yet again tried to prop herself up, this time - without fail.

Sitting up against a wide tree, the soft-furred creature jumped onto her lap. Startling her in the process. 

It was a snow-white rabbit, with bright red eyes. They resembled marbles lost in the snowfall.

Her slim fingers stroke its hair mildly.

By doing so, she noticed the scars and burns on her hands. Though, she didn't feel any pain, nor did she have any recollection of receiving them. 

But she knew where they came from.

Even so, such brutality sickened the girl to no end. All she did was help her fellow mortals - demon slayers. The people who protect her and her little town.

She did not deserve to be burned to death. Or at least to be attempted to be burned to hell.

Although her reputation wasn't great and she was supposed to die in a horrifying way, she wouldn't have haunted the living nor sought vengeance.

As much as she now detested the people, she didn't wish any harm their way.

And so, the issue was raised, 'why aren't I dead? Or am I? Did they change their minds and brought me here? No, they wouldn't do that. Was I saved? No, who in their right mind would jump into the fire to save me?'

She frowned. This whole situation seemed unreasonable, unthinkable.

The girl grunted, repeating the same question 'how could this happen to me?' In her heart even more times. Ere finally standing up, only to be leaning against the same, wide tree.

'Curse you people' she was losing her temper, and she was known for having a lot of patience concerning anything annoying or disturbing.

The woman was confused and tired.

She had no food or water, no knowledge of what happened. No anything.

Suddenly, subtle wind went by her face. Making her frown at the coldness it delivered.

A somewhat dull voice beamed through her ears, "you're awake" It said.

She looked up, only to find a young-looking boy above her, standing on top of a thin string. He was about the same age as her, or so she thought. He was a demon, thus he's most likely over hundreds of years old.

His skin was white, with red dots. His hair was light pink and bore resemblance to spider legs. The sclera of his eyes is red, while his irises were pale blue.

The boy was gorgeous.

(Y/N) had just returned to the mortal world, but the first thing she came upon was a headache and pain all over her body. Not to mention the lack of information or warmth.

And now a gorgeous creature was talking to her, perhaps she was indeed deceased.

Then, the boy spoke again, but with a slight glare, "why aren't you saying anything?"

The girl blinked, realizing she was staring for far too long.

She looked away, with a blush on her cheeks. Was it because of the cold?

"I'm sorry," she mumbled calmly.

He hopped off the web, landing right in front of her. "Are you feeling okay?"

He rested his soft palm on her forehead; checking her temperature.

She certainly wasn't expecting such hospitality from a demon. To say that she was confused would be an understatement. She was beyond confused.

Gathering the courage to look the boy in the eye, she spoke, "who are you?"

He retreated his hand, "Rui."

His voice was calm and gentle, much like the winter breeze amongst them. How ironic.

Locking his orbs with hers, he proceeded to converse. "I was the one who saved you from those freaks."

She could tell he was telling her the truth. Why would he lie to her? She felt as if she could trust anything he said, a trusting gut feeling which only arises when you're close with somebody.


He continued to gaze into her eyes, almost getting lost in the bright (E/C) color.

"You remind me of someone. She's dead now, but you resemble her a lot."

It's not every day you witness a demon be sympathetic towards a mere human.

Not wanting to bug the man-eating individual any longer she looked away yet again. "Oh, thank you."

In truth, she didn't know what to say or what to do. She was communicating with a demon for heaven's sake. A being that devours humans for survival.

An awkward silence stumbled upon them. 

Both of them were just standing, looking at each other, without knowing what to do or what to say.

Unexpectedly, the boy broke the silence. "Come with me." It was almost a demand, but not quiet.

She gaped, "what?"

He grabbed her hand, pulling her in. "Come with me."

She was leaning against him, whilst looking him straight in the eye.

The girl caught something in his eyes, sorrow? Possibly. "I'm sorry, I'm not that someone from your past." (Y/N) emphasized the word, 'that'.

A tint of light beamed in his lifeless eyes, "I know."

He was holding more feelings in those words than he was letting off.

It was apparent in his eyes, though he wore a poker-face.

(Y/N) didn't wish to be a replacement, but she knew she had to thank him for saving her from those lunatics. Hence, she decided she would stay with him for a while.

Little did she know, that she'd soon fall hopelessly in love with the demon boy.

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demon slayer ; dejectedWhere stories live. Discover now