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Passing out with first class is acceptable, right? well, maybe not for Sophia's parents. The amount of disappointment they had on their faces made her feel broken and useless after getting to know that she has passed her second year of college with 61%. Especially the look her mother held made her feel so vulnerable. Sophia's parents had grown used to of having their two eldest kids always slaying in their schools and colleges. But Sophia was an exception who could hardly get Bs in her exams.

Sophia was more indulged into photography rather than theoritical studies. Her father, Roy Syde was always well aware of the fact that his youngest daughter fancied photographs and cameras more than physics books. And he did try to help and encourage her with it. But sophia was always under the control of her mother; Lana Syde who uaually took the decision for Sophia more than Sophia could ever take for herself.

When Roy saw his daughter crying in a corner, blaming herself out for being such a dumbwhimp, his heart broke. Somewhere in his mind and heart, he knew that 61% wasn't that bad but who could tell Lana about it, not like she would ever listen to anyone but herself.

He sighed and walked into Sophia's room and sat beside her on the floor shoulder to shoulder quietly, only Sophia's soft sniffles being heard occationally. He pulled his legs close to his chest and crossed his arms on his knees. He waited for himself to find a way to initiate a conversation. Lana could be very harsh at words sometimes and it was one of the things he didn't like about his wife. But it was a harsh reality which coudn't be changed easily. And Sophia was always the prey for Lana's lectures.

''I'm sorry,'' Sophia sudddenly broke the silence with an appology. She was clearly in a state of misery. Her medium length brown hairs falling on the side of her face whilst her eyes a pinkish shade and were swollen. Damped cheeks and red nose making all of it worse.

''Lets get some fresh air, huh?'' He tried. In response, he got another sniffle and a shake of her head. Roy brushed some hairs out of his daughter's face and tucked them behind her ear to get a better view of his daughter's baby face. ''you're going to make yourself sick if you wont stop this,'' he tried again, leaning in towards her.

''What do you want me to do?'' Sophia asked in her now soar voice from the all crying.

Roy shrugged, ''I don't know. you tell me, where do you want to go?'' He asked.

''I don't want to go anywhere,'' She replied and hiccuped, merely fidgiting with her own hands. She was feeling guity for disppointing her parents more than she was feeling bad for herself. It was as if she was studying for her parents and not for herself.

''Honestly, I don't care about the grades.'' Roy confessed. ''and 61% isn't bad at all. You shouldn't be feeling so low.''

''You don't care about it but mom does. She's very mad at me.'' Sophia said quitely. Her defeated voice aching Roy's heart. ''I tried, dad. I studied hard enough. B-But I never get good marks..'' She sniffled.

''Not all students are same. I don't want you to be like everyone. You being yourself is a great relief for me. So calm down, you are crying as if you've failed or something. And about your mom, I'll try to make her understand. And when is she not mad anyw-''

A cough broke Roy to continue with the shit talk about his wife. Whether he ment it or not, he was just trying ot make Sophia feel better. Roy's daughter didn't dare to look at the owner of the interruption whilst he looked up at his wife. She stood at the door frame of Sophia's room. Arms crossed around her chest and face hard and serious. She walked further into the room and stood infront of her daughter and husband.

''Why are you both sitting on the floor?'' She questioned staring down at them.

Roy finally stood up towering over Lana. He stared at her with the same seriousness she held. He finally spoke, ''Lana, take it easy on her.'' He tried. But Lana wasn't one bit convinced. She had her own plans planned.

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