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"Soph, Sophia!" Pearl shook her shoulder whisper shouting her name.

Sophia slowing squinted her eyes open and yawned. She was sprawled into the back seat as if she owned it. She looked at her sister and then behind her. The car was parked into an oddly similar place .... It was Miles' house.

She got out of Pearl's car and looked at her questionably.

Pearl spoke, "I'm so sorry, Sophia. But I can't drive you home. You know I have to wake up early and leave before six. It would take about two hours for me to reach home if I-"

"I understand Pearl, why're you so worried?" Sophia asked softly as she smiled looking at her.

Pearl just didn't want to hurt her sister. So she was making sure she knows the reason. Then the sisters hugged each other. Sophia was such a pacifist, that it was hard to actually hate her or even loathe her as a person.

"Bye, happy journey." Sophia waved at Pearl.

"Yes, thank you. Danny would come and pick the kids up in the morning," she said and finally departed.

Sophia sighed and looked at the house in front of her. The last time she came here was in the month of December on the occasion of Christmas. The whole family celebrated Christmas at Miles'. The house three years back and now was very similar. The only difference was the new benches outside the house which Sophia admired lot.

Walking into the house, she realised that her purse was lying on the couch, so she assumed that Miles probably bought it here. Very polite of him to do that.

Meanwhile, she spotted Miles in the kitchen. "What are you doing?" She asked as she stood behind him. Her sudden presence startled him a little but it was nothing compared to the lift event back at the office.

"Coffee for me," he answered merely. "You should go to sleep,"

"What?!" Sophia shouted, "you're not dropping me home?"

Miles turned to look at her, a coffee mug in his hand as he took a sip from it. "No," he answered in short. Staring down at her

"B-But ... but I've to come for work tomorrow," 

Miles rose his eyebrows, "you can come with me," He said plainly taking another gulp of his dark and bitter coffee.

Sophia shook her head, "you don't understand. I've no clothes for tomorrow. And I'm definitely not wearing these same clothes that's disgusting. You'll have to drop me home." She crossed her arms around her chest and gave him a hard look or at least tried.

Miles sighed, "it's very late. Can't you just stay? I can manage new clothes for you."

"It's late. You said it yourself," Sophia pointed out, "and from where are you going to get new clothes?"

"I've my ways,"

"I've my ways," Sophia mocked her brother but pursed her lips at the unpleasant look she got from her brother. Then she tried again, "Brotherrrrr," she exaggerated, "drop me home, pleaseeeee," she cried a little dramatically.

Suddenly an idea popped into her head, "or maybe you can give me one of your cars, I can drive home by myself," He had two cars, so it shoudn't'av been a problem if he didn't want to drive her.

"As if I would let that happen," Miles muttered turning around and putting the now empty mug on the kitchen platform. Sophia didn't understand if it was for her security or his car's security. (sarcasm intended) "Get in the car."

Letting a breath of relief, she and her brother walked out of the house and into the car. The ride back home was slow. Miles was a careful driver from the beginning. When the car stopped in front of their parents' house, Sophia offered him to come inside and relax for a bit. But maybe because it was so late, he denied her offer and told her to get inside the house.

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