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Sophia lowered her glaze as she sat on the couch beside her brother and in front of their father. Her anxiety which said that there's going to be an argument wasn't come into certainty yet, easing and making her feel apprehensive both at the same time. Sophia wasn't sure if Roy knew about the denials of the job offer yet. But she also didn't forget that her father was good at hiding his thoughts and emotions. He acted normal, nothing new or special. And like Miles said, he really wanted to talk about work. And when Sophia thought she wasn't needed anymore, she tried getting up on her feet sneaking away when she thought they weren't paying attention but Miles grabbed her wrist stopping her.

''stay,'' he simply said giving her a quick glance and she knew that their issue regarding the job wasn't over yet. And that she had a hope still alive. But the thought itself made her want to shrink into the sheets and disappear. Sophia crossed her fingers hoping for no arguments to be created nor did she want her parents to be mad at her.

Miles had bought a few papers with him tucked into a dark file. Roy was signing into them one by one. And after about fifteen minutes, the professional talk finally came to an end. Miles had come home after a very long time and Sophia didn't think that his first visit in a long while would be a professional one. Though, here we are.

Sophia was looking around, trying to find her mother. The last time she saw her was when they had the argument the past night. Lana had really hurt Sophia's feelings this time, maybe her ego was hurt too. That one term broke Sophia's sentiments. Pity. It made Sophia feel so insignificant. She doesn't want anyone to show pity on her, rather judge her with her work was more appreciated.

A pair of footsteps were heard when Lana's sandals clanked against the marble floor. She was dressed nicely reminding Sophia that she was still in her shorts and sweatshirt, the only one in the room not fresh enough.

Now, three pair of eyes stared at her as she walked closer to the couches to where her family was.

''Good morning, everyone.'' She said and settled her eyes on Miles. ''oh Miles, long time no see,'' she chuckled but there was no humor in her tone what so ever.

Miles smiles a little as an appreciation to her attention towards him, ''Good morning. I was just waiting for you,'' he said and Sophia took a deep breath. Here we go.

Lana crooked her eyebrow, ''for me? What's that you want to talk to me about?'' she questioned as she made her way towards her husband, also sitting beside him. The cold smile not leaving her face.

Sophia has always been around her mother and her influence. In her 19 years of life, she has heard her mother say things about Miles and Pearl. Nothing butterflies and flowers, quite the opposite. Sophia was one of the only people who knew why Lana disliked Sophia's siblings. The reason was obvious, because they weren't her kids. She didn't give birth to them so she didn't treat them like her own.

Miles nodded, ''Dad, Lana, this is related to Sophia.'' He spared Sophia a glance looking back at their parents. ''I think it's the best if she continues working at our company.''

Sophia straightened up in her seat and looked at everyone with determined, focused yet nervous eyes. She was paying attention as if it was some viva in her school and didn't want to mess up because it will cost marks.

Lana gave Sophia a meaningful glance. The one which said Sophia was in a trouble. She then looked back to her stepson, ''Miles, I would want you to be out of this matter. I know what is good for my daughter and what is not. And that is why I want her to quit.'' Her voice was ice cold as she.

''Miles, I think you should not get into this.'' Roy said. His voice defeated and calm. Like he really wasn't ready for this conversation. For god's sake its only quarter past 7. Yes, Roy is a good father. He didn't disguise any of his kids and vice versa. But when he was in his wife's influence, he didn't see none other's opinion but hers.

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