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Frustrated with Winwin's description, I slammed the car door and walked down the steps leading to the subway. I didn't even bother looking back if Winwin was behind me. Tall, big eyes, and handsome were the only words he can describe this Lucas. If he was from WayV, I might have had a glimpse of him before. I'm just hoping this guy stands out from the crowd to fit Winwin's oh-so-helpful description.

I sighed as I looked around me. First to look for is a tall man. Walking slowly, I turned my head sideways every time.

"...You saw him too? Is he a model?" I overheard one of the Japanese students talk. Thanks to Johnny I learned new languages including Mandarin, Japanese, and English. If they mentioned model, would that be Lucas?

I walked to the direction they just walked away from. There he was. He really catches attention of people with his unique facial features. I snapped myself out of daydreaming and stood behind him. I tugged his shirt and looked up since he was tall.


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"...Lucas?" I asked in a whisper.

He faced me and I removed my hand from his shirt. He raised his hand and I instantly put my arm above my face since Johnny taught me that. To think that Johnny's lessons were actually quite helpful right now.

However, the hit that I was expecting didn't land on my arm but a hand on my shoulder.

"You're Yoo Seola?! I'm Yukhei- ah no Lucas! Nice to meet you! Wait, I'm really Lucas but Yukhei is my real name." I raised my head up to face a grinning Lucas. Good thing he wasn't offended because I thought he was going to attack me.

"A-ahh... yes, I'm Seola. Nice to meet you too. So, where are we heading to?" Lucas grabbed me and put an arm on my shoulder.

It was only then I took a good look at his face. I gasped, "Are you alright? Your face is-"

"Ah this? I'm fine, just had a little argument with someone earlier." He said while pointing to his wound.

"Ah. Here's our train. Let's go, let's go. Stick to my side okay?" I nodded at his instruction and we went to sit down. I played with my fingers and waited for Lucas' instruction when we will get off from the train. I unconsciously stared at him.

"I said I'm fine. This wound doesn't hurt much." Lucas tilted his head and looked at me. If this was a drama scene, flowers would suddenly appear beside his beautiful face. I sighed and nodded at him. He moved closer to me to whisper something.

"After getting off, I'll hold your hand and we'll run. There's not much time left so we need to hurry and get into my car." He was silent after that, but was still leaning.

"Okay, Rina.... Got it? Blue, right?... Thanks." I figured he was talking to someone with their personalized in-ear.  

"So you're part of WV?" I asked, careful not to mention the full name of NCT's China-based unit.

Lucas nodded. "We'll stay here in Japan for about two days. We'll be waiting for Jaehyun and Yuta before going back to China."

I frowned. "Yuta too?"

"Yeah, he's going to be with you always from now on."

After half an hour, we did ran out of the station and turned left and right many times. At this point, I can't catch my breath and my legs were somehow wobbly from all the running. Lucas only knew the color of the car so he kept on pushing the button of the car's remote.

"Should've asked the model..." He muttered and clicked his tongue. After a few more minutes of searching, a car's headlights lit up and we moved towards it. Luckily, it was the car and we got inside. Lucas quickly started the car and drove out to the main road.

"I'm not sure of you know but Yuta is a member of a yakuza so... well, we'll be staying at their place in the meantime and you'll be seeing some family members of his. Don't be too shocked with their appearance. Also, don't stare for too long and converse with them for too long. Don't let them know you are fluent with Japanese, Rina told me."

"Rina? Ah- the one who's always scolding Kun in his ears?" I asked. I remember that one time I assisted Kun in a negotiation and he turned off his in-ear because apparently someone was scolding him too much.

Lucas laughed. "Yeah, Rina- that's her, my bestfriend."

I don't know where we were headed but the view was just breathtaking. Since I could no longer see tall buildings, that means we're out of the city.

I held my breath for a second when we stopped in front of a tall gate with five bulky guards outside. Lucas showed them something from his phone and they let us in. After parking the car, we got out and two females approached us.

"You must be Lucas and Seola. Welcome to the Nakamoto's fifth residence. We're Yuta's cousins, Momo and..." Momo introduced in fluent Korean.

"Mina." The other one answered in a soft voice.

"We'll be the only ones you need to communicate with and look at or else you'll be in a lot of trouble." Momo warned.

"Not as much trouble as Yuta is in though." Mina added.

Lucas and I looked at each other but the both of us shrugged when we didn't understand what Mina just said.

yoooo here's your chapter ehehehehe
stay safe guys!


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