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"Wow..." I gaped at the marvelous bar, connected to the kitchen, Yuta's main house has. There were different drinks lined up on the wall, most were still full and looked like they were still untouched.

Yuta made me sit in front of him while made some drinks for the both of us. I'm down for some margarita and martini but I was craving for something unique that I hope they have. "Hey... instead of my favorite, do you have sake?"

Yuta tilted his head, "Hmm? Sake? I think so? Can you afford it though?"

"...Eh?! I need to pay?!" I exclaimed. Yuta simply nodded which made me groan.

"I'm kidding... here, drink this one." I took a sip of the drink and let out a satisfying sigh.

"That's expensive by the way. You should be thankful I'm giving you an expensive drink in addition to saving your life." I scowled at him in return and continued drinking. This man has his ways to ruin my mood. I finished the drink and held out my glass for more.

"More? Don't get too drunk." He warned as he poured more. He was also drinking the alcohol he made for himself. Half an hour had passed and we were still drinking in silence. We didn't talk to each other as we drank and refill our glasses.

I remembered something he mentioned, Johnny was also investigating something. "What is Johnny investigating about?" 

"... He's tracing your roots. That's all you need to know. Don't ask anymore questions."

"...Roots?" I mumbled. What the hell does that mean? I wanted to ask that but for now, I'll pretend that I didn't hear anything and will just wait for Johnny. Hope he'll go to China too.

An hour has passed by and I was still drinking, I'm sure I'm drunk as hell but I didn't care. Yuta, on the other hand, stopped drinking a while ago and was now munching on a snack he found on one of the cupboards in the kitchen. I groaned and laid my head on countertop, facing my right. Yuta moved a little to his left and repeated what I did. He was facing me and I stared at him.

"...You ready to go to bed?" He asked. I raised my hand to him as an answer. He nodded and we just stared at each other. Maybe it's because I'm drunk, but I'm admitting that Yuta is handsome. Although I won't say that out loud since I know he'll tease the hell out of me everytime. I couldn't stand the silence between us, add the silent staring contest we had been doing this night, so I started to talk.

"...You know, before I die... I at least wanted to check something off my bucketlist." I said, more like whispered.

Yuta hummed softy and I swear, the hairs at the back of my raised. "...What's in the list?"

I chuckled softly and answered him. "Own a house, go on a vacation with Seonho and Johnny... preferably Maldives. I really wanted to experience the aesthetics of that country. Another one would be raising enough money for Seonho, for him to be able to go to college. Another one is to not get caught by the police, ha... that's a scary one."

"... You won't get caught. We won't let you get in trouble, we could always sacrifice ourselves." He assured me. 

I smirked at him. "Look at you... getting all soft on me."

Yuta rolled his eyes and urged me to continue. "Do you still have more? Something achievable for the time being?"

"Hmm... I can't think of anything." I laughed. "What about you?"

Yuta gulped and let out a small smile. "Before I was given a heavy responsibility, I wondered how it would be like to live a normal life with a wife and maybe kids..."

He let out a deep sigh and continued, "... but I know that is totally impossible. Who would want to live with a murderer and live in constant fear? Anxious that someone might kill you in your sleep? Something like that..."

I tried to lift up his mood. "...Another would be a boyfriend. Gosh, I might die any moment and I still haven't had my first kiss!" I laughed at myself.

Yuta smirked. "Is that so? Our smart Seola haven't had her first kiss yet? You were friends with famous students back in college, that's a mystery."

It was my time to smirk. "Oh really? So, you've been stalking me since college?"

Yuta shook his head. "I tailed Johnny before and I thought he was dating you but he and Taeyong explained the situation to me."

I made a face at him and stood up straight. "Me and Johnny? Ugh, that's like incest." 

I hopped off the tall chair while gripping the side of the countertop. I body felt a bit off as I tried to balance myself but my vision was still in good condition.  "...I want to sleep now. Can I go by myself?"

He shook his head and we just left the main house, not caring about the mess we left. I mean, with his status they would have their own housekeepers right?

I followed him quietly, he was matching his pace with mine as I slowly walked. Momo was at the entrance of the house, slouching as she held her phone in her hands. She looked up to Yuta and opened the sliding door. "Your bed's already prepared, your room's next to hers. Lucas is fast asleep but told me to tell you that Jaehyun was near China, plane's about to land soon."

Yuta acknowledged her report and we went in. I mumbled a good night to Yuta and opened my own door. Before I can close it, Yuta's hand reached out stopped me. He pulled me in front of him and I pushed him away. I walked back inside my room and faced him, my hand hovering over the handle.

"I'm fucking sleepy, let's cancel the teasing about my first kiss. I know you've been itching to say something about it." I complained while rubbing my eyes, blurring my vision for a moment. Yuta was already inside and the door was closed when I regained vision.

Before I could even say anything, he pulled me towards his body. His left arm sneaking its way to my waist and his right hand placed behind my head, softly caressing my hair. Did I mention his mouth was also covering mine?

I wanted to push him away but I guess I'm still drunk. My body responded immediately, tilting my head and surprising myself by opening my mouth. His mouth and tongue were warm and tasty, maybe because of the drink he had earlier. I was getting drunk again, this time because of his mouth. Yuta moaned and gripped my hair a little tighter. He pulled me closer to him as we continued feeling each other's tongues. I was praising myself for doing a good job despite this being my first kiss. 

He pulled away for a moment to catch his breath but connected our mouths a second after. I knotted my fists in his shirt and closed my eyes. He moved my head a little and moaned. I don't know what I was feeling, but this just felt good that I also let out a moan. He leaned his forehead on mine and released his grip on me. Both of us were breathing heavily, trying to catch our breath.

He kissed my forehead and fixed my hair. I immediately unknotted my fists and put them to my side. I opened my mouth to say something but he beat me to it.

"First kiss, check... Goodnight Seola." He left.

Minutes after, I was still glued to my position. I touched my lips momentarily and went to sleep.

Dammit, I said boyfriend not a kiss... That bastard just stole my first kiss.

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