13. Modern Problems, Modern Solutions

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Wiya's P.O.V

Just a little bit more... There!

[Phew...] - Wiya

The barrier was tough to remove, but there is nothing that time could not fix.

It was not a white-based originium so, I can only get a tiny amount from the barrier. Even though it is only in a small amount, it did give me the ability to make barriers or forcefield, but not as big as the original one.

(A/N: Can anyone guess her originium ability?)

My face is struck with awe as I look at the hand size barriers generated by myself.

I shook my head focussing back on the main objective. Hopping down into the crater and walked towards (Y/N). Kneeling down on one knee, I caress his cheek as the cold temperature of his skin gave me nostalgia.

There were traces of dried tears below his eye bags. A thin line of blood flowing out of his mouth to the ground, which is also contained his dried-up red liquid. His clothes are torn up, especially the sleeves of his limps are more severed than the others.

What should I do? WHAT SHOULD I DO!? I am useless in trying to care for injured people. Even if I did bring some bandages with me, I do not know how to patch someone up.

I could myself troubled and my eyes quiver for a moment.

Think Wiya! Think! Hmmm... Wait, yes! That's it! I could just let him wear my jacket and tear of some of my clothes to cover his wounds.

In an instant, I remove my jacket and lifted (Y/N)'s upper body up. His arms were a bit bigger than mine, but my jacket fits him even though it looks weird on a male. In the good side, it covers his exposed torso.

It seems like his wounds have already stopped bleeding some time ago. I tear some parts of my scarf and wrap it around the critical cuts on his body.

Well, it is kind of a show for me to be able to see his body... But that could be in another time. Now, I will be providing more care for him, and return all of the kindness he has shown me.... with affection as a mega extra.

After some minutes, most of his wounds were covered up. It is not a job well done but, I can say it is better than nothing. Welp! That's a plus for my experience!

I cannot wait to see him surprised in Reunion's base soon... How wonderful would that be? I tend to unmask more of his hidden side so, I can get the whole picture of his true self.

If salvation truly exists, then my salvation is with him, and I will do my best to give him the same as well.

I know there is no safe place in this world but, even in this cursed place, there is comfort for everyone no matter where they go... Like how I enjoy my time with (Y/N) in the past, in our home.

[Come on (Y/N)... S****ße, you're heavy] - Wiya

A curse came out of my mouth unintentionally, as I lift his legs with my arm and wrap it around my waist. As well as hoisting his arms around my neck. Just like the piggy bag ride he gave me when we first met in front of the clinic.

I used my originium to strengthen my muscles so that I can carry him with ease.


A small beep noise came out of my wireless earpiece, and I quickly push the button to receive a call.

[Yes~ Wiya is here 24/7, what does the almighty Talulah inquiries?] - Wiya

[Spare me the flatteries, update the progress] - Talulah

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