19. Different Poles Attracts (Part II)

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2 years ago, location: Wiya's (W) hometown

3rd P.O.V

[Go home already Wiya, it's evening already] - (Y/N)

He said while holding the entrance of his clinic. Wiya is in front of him, shifting her body side to side trying to get the chances of going into any gaps between his body to go through the doorway.

[No! I like to sleep in your place again! It's warm and comfortable like you!] - Wiya

She shouted gleefully while stomping her foot, which gathers quite an amount of attention from the pedestrians. An underage 16 years old female exclaiming those words to a 20 years old male, quite interesting to see for them.

(Y/N) could feel the disappointment gazes from the surroundings, and thought that he will be labelled as a paedophile or a male who likes younger girls. Well, Wiya is not technically a child so, it does not count.

[My lord! Just let her in and sleep in your place] - Female Passerby 1

[Huh?] - (Y/N)

He was surprised that someone else was suggesting something that is the opposite of his mind. (Y/N) train of thoughts stopped for a moment trying to process what has been told to him.

[I'm sorry madam, but, could repeat what you had said?] - (Y/N)

[You heard what the woman said loud and clear. Just let this adorable girl do what she wants] - Male Passerby 1

It felt like everything escalated too fast for him as Wiya have anticipation hidden her eyes. (Y/N) into the girl's eyes deeply while juggling the decisions in his mind, and the stares from the nearby pedestrians were like rushing him to conclude it.

After a few seconds of thinking, (Y/N) relaxes his hand from the door frame and steps back inside the clinic. The passerby seems to be satisfied with his decision causing (Y/N) to sigh.

[Seems like luck is on your side today Wiya, come along now] - (Y/N)

[Wait, (N/N) go in first I need to get some stuff from shops] - Wiya

(Y/N) frowns a bit before going back to his usual expression after mumbling, 'Girls and their things'.

After (Y/N) went into one of the rooms in the clinic, and she peeks her head inside to make sure he actually enters it. Wiya turns towards the pedestrians who are actually Reunion soldiers in disguise.

[Great work you all~ thank you for supporting my relationship with him~] - Wiya

The previous two passersby along with the other members before they retreat back into their respective rally points. Wiya fixes her hair for a few seconds before going into the clinic with a small backpack and closed the door.

[I'm home! Honey!] - Wiya

She shouts at loud as she can trying to annoy him.

[This is not your home! And your not my wife!] - (Y/N)

Wiya giggles at (Y/N)'s response before skipping into the kitchen. (Y/N) glances go his right seeing her head pop out from the kitchen door looking at him.

[...but I can be your wife right?] - Wiya

She said with a small voice causing (Y/N)'s eyes to widen. He coughs a few times before facing her, as he could feel his face heat up. His heart beats faster than the time when he is about to eat pizzas.

[Nice pick up line...] - (Y/N)

[What if I'm serious~?] - Wiya

Wiya's current smile was not her usual cheeky smile but a genuine one. She took small steps before she plops her head on his torso and hugs (Y/N).

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