15. Old Bonds

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Location: Unnamed Forest, Firewatch's Workshop

Filia's (Firewatch) P.O.V

I remember my childhood memories vividly in my mind. All of them were like the golden age in my life, and I wish that it could go on forever but life does not permit immortality. Neither happily ever after.

The words are happy and sad. Two controversial topics discussed by the community among youth in this modern world. To me, the definition is simple... Happy is happy and sad is sad.

I yearn for a simple life, but the turn of fate fuels my anger and revenge against the people who destroyed my clan. Leaving us, (Y/N) and me to despair as younglings that lack the ability to adapt.


Only a while ago I rethink my decision... What if I go back to wish for a simple life. After 14 years trying to find a clue of who destroyed our clan, I have not even found a single clue yet which I concluded that I should move on..... even though it will be hard to.

Living in a forest and relax throughout the years until I die of old age, is not a bad idea. In addition, I could ask (Y/N) to join me if he wants to so that I would not die out of loneliness.

[Filia?] - (Y/N)

My ear twitched as I glance from my shoulder. I stopped swinging my legs on the large earthed root and focus my sight on the man of the hour.

He changes so much after years has passed. I even considered the possibility of him discarding me if I get to meet him again... which I fear.

Yet again, fate seems to be on my side today and he seems to be almost the same when we were still children. His eyes are narrow with an upper edge giving the impression of someone very delicate. The mole on near the edge of his right eye complements the sharp look he has, and dark-gold coloured eyes are warm to look at.

[Stop staring at me for too long... Do you miss me that much?] - (Y/N)

[Miss you? I've been searching for your whereabouts for 14 years. What do you think?] - Filia

(Y/N) awkwardly scratches the back of his head and sheepishly smiles. His raven-black hairs still look wet, as it seems to shine under the moonlight. He took light steps toward me and looked up seeming to be wondering on how to get climb this tall root that I am on.

This scene triggers my unwanted memories. He helped me to get up on a tall wall by using himself as support. Once I got up, I reached out my hand towards him which.... it does not reach at all. Strangely, he did not panic about it and simply said, 'Run'

Back to the present, I turned my face away and focus my gaze back onto the starry night sky. I sighed feeling a bit depressed by it.

[Sad about something?] - (Y/N)

[Was it obvious?] - Filia

I thought that my face is already stoic enough that it will not crumble involuntarily, but it seems like I can still express my emotions properly.

[Clear as day] - (Y/N)

[Your stepfather recently passed away, and you're not sad?] - Filia

He seems to be taken back for a bit, and look down on the ground. His face was not a happy one but he tries to endure.

A tiny bulge could be seen going down his neck and he took a deep breath. I could hear some sniffle from him as he wipes off a tear with the sleeves of his new jacket.

[This is nothing to fuss about... and you don't have to worry about me] - (Y/N)

[Look at me...] - Filia

Arknights: Dr.(Y/N)'s Riposte Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang