23. The Initial Insanity

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Wiya's (W) P.O.V

[The past comes… with a price…] - Wiya

Surprise covered the man's face, in front of me. (Y/N) seems content with my reply and his lips thicken a smile. Radiating the warmth I need after days of separation from him. Call me pathetic, but just like him, I am clingy for affections. I questioned him a few times, but he was too embarrassed to admit it. 

In truth, I feel euphoric because of him pestering his awareness for me. A woman needs to be cheeky to get the full attention of their man after all.

[I…] - (Y/N)

He muttered an alphabet, leaving a gaping mouth. A few stutters could be heard, mumbles slipped his tongue. Which I know, he is feeling troubled. 4 years of knowing, days filled with us meeting each other. Every expression he made, I have photographic memories for each. 

[...I'll comply] - (Y/N)

That sentence is not a mere answer, more like a form of consent. Agreeing to my deal gives me an edge in my side. It is not something bad, and I can proudly state that it is a good intention. 

My palms open as I swiftly grip onto his collar like lightning. Driven purely by emotions, I throw away the pressure off my shoulders as I pull him closer. A drop of sweat trickled down his forehead as he wryly smiles. Gazing upon him intently with the ends of my lips twisted slightly. 

[The she-devil now, owns you] - Wiya

My lips landed on his soft pairs. My long-awaited kiss.


Memories, one of the accents which contribute to shaping an individual's personality. Each hem of it is filled to the brim with what he or she truly believes, alongside factual distinctions. Displaying the differences between each person, including some similarities. People cannot truly be exactly the same with one another… which is the beauty of humanity. 

My definition of memories, it is a bittersweet part of a person. Happy or sad experiences, it still counts as memories, capturing the scenes with eyes, ears, touch and feel. Like a digital storage device but the organic version in organism terms. Even if one desires to forget, it will never disappear, it could only be locked away deep inside our hearts and mind chained with resentment. 

I, myself, experienced the euphoria and horror of memories, to the extent of wanting to edge out my own life… yet, I am still alive and kicking. The sense of terror gave me ways to a new emotion. 

The complication in my head exceeded the limit of my mental capability. Rendering my thoughts in an endless loop. Crying not knowing day and night, laughing not knowing when to be happy and sad. 

Dawns shun days, yet, cannot truly shine mine. Dusks end days, yet, cannot end my fear. Mad, yes, this is the emotion. Disarray, contempt, blasphemy. There is no completion within an imperfect world… which I found, is beautiful.

Words are not enough to tell a whole story, but it is sufficient to fill the emotional chasms…

(Author's notes: This is a non-canon past story of W (Wiya). Do not be confused and enjoy)

10 years ago, a happy girl living in a mobile town with a family of three. Not rich, not too poor and have a normal standing in society. Facing hurdles together to lighten each other's burden until life challenges are done.

A wholesome mother who loves her daughter, who is me, with her whole heart. Everyday pampering me with motherly affection as if there are no pauses in doing so. Giving pats in any chance she gets and spoon-fed me which I refused. 

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