2nd Arc: 0th Stasis

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3rd P.O.V

A hand flipping through the pages of the old. The fragile texture to the touch causes the person to be cautious with the historical book. The pages were brown and warm in colour, but not as flexible like it once before. Truly, a feature of an ancient heritage passed down from one generation to another.

Judging from the strokes and eccentric writing of the words on each page, a specialist could recognise these group of sentences are based on an old language; lost language. Lost in time but not forgotten, and understood by some individuals. Very few of them. Only two know the old language. One is dead, and the other is alive.

The latter is currently reading the ancient book with precision in her gaze, not letting one clue scattered away. Shifting her eyes down along the words, scanning through the rich texts of the unknown which she has accustomed to after deciphering each meaning behind each term. Understanding it not within a day or week, but years of research.

The solution to problems is what she is seeking. She knows this may not be a direct approach, but 'direct' itself is not available as a choice. So, she could not see in any other ways but to rely on clues linked from the past to the present and possibly the future, before all is too late.

Her last source of information, this book, dated back before chivalry was even a term. Before, she has doubts to dive into the past but, one word catches her eyes called 'Unity'. A synonym of a word known as 'Reunion'.

Maybe, she might exaggerate over one word mentioned in the past but, she would not a chance pass by. A chance that may lead to the weakness of an aggressor affiliation, the Reunion, or a chance that could lead to a bigger conspiracy. A conspiracy shrouded with fatal truth.

No matter how harsh the truth is, she needs to move on and gaze ahead before others. Grabbing every chance she could fit into her palms and lead everyone under her command to a greater future. Nothing is impossible, meaning failing is still possible which she fears greatly. As the doctor of Rhodes Island, and as a human herself.

[Doctor Maria, you look quite nice with that new hairstyle. Give me the name of the saloon and I might try it out] - ???

A female voice called the doctor with a slightly teasing voice. A smile crossed her face as she shoulders a staff and sat on an empty beside Maria, accompanying her in the silent library.

Maria grunts in annoyance that she has to take her eyes off the book, to reply back to the woman. She glances at the green-haired female who has a reptile tail as the most distinguishable feature.

[No need, I cut the hair bangs by myself. Saloon takes up too much time, which I could use better for work, Gavial] - Maria

She replied with her usual smooth tone and gave Gavial a collected gaze, that seems to not waver even under grave situations. Pupils with thick colours of white gold, and cold as the night sky. Befitting her characteristic, over calculating about everything. Career over fun, that is her entertainment and also her bane. A bane that she finds worth in.

Gavial is not an annoyance to her, as this woman is an operator of Rhodes Island. An operator under Maria's responsibility, and an ally on the battlefield when the calls for life-threatening battles has come. Having a reliable comrade to protect a rear is always welcome to Maria.

[Don't work constantly here and there. Give yourself some space to relax. Amiya might restrict more of your work and force you to get some leisure someday] - Gavial

Her tone switched to casual, bringing up another concerning topic. She sat on the chair with legs crossed and her staff lying against the table. Not minding the classy manners of sitting, which she finds too 'fancy'. Gavial finds it more convenient to sit the most comfortable way she felt, and believe others should try it too.

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