Chapter 7: "She's Got the Power"

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"Who wants the last slice of pizza?"

No one responded as Sam Newark grabbed the pepperoni slice from the Pizza Hut box and began munching on it.

"Oh man, I'm so full!" Cynthia McGee giggled rubbing her belly. "I'm about ready to burst!" She grabbed a pillow from Pilar's bed and made a comfortable place on the carpet of the teen's bedroom.

It had been one week since Mary Phillips's dinner party and after the announcement that Dee and his friends were auditioning for Pop Factor with their own unknown band.

Students at CHAPA at been questioning them about their enigmatic lead singer. Sadly, the truth was that the group had yet to find a front person for them leaving their manager Pilar scrambling to organize last minute auditions. Hooking up the camcorder to her laptop, she played the tape of potential student singers at her birthday slumber party.

"How about that one?" Pilar pointed to the screen of a black-haired gentleman with a mohawk.

"No!" Flo Jaurez objected. "He's voice is too scratchy! No me gusto!"

The next tape showcased a female singer who preferred to wear provocative outfits.

"Hell no!" Dee commented. "We want a lead singer with style, not sluttiness! Plus, she sounds like Ariande Grande on acid!"

Pilar sighed as she played the next one. A debonair young man with an amazing tenor voice filled the screen.

"Um...great voice," noted Cynthia. "However, we're looking more toward pop rock not classical!"

"Good point," the gothic teen agreed. "I have one more." She fast forwarded the video to display a young African American woman who sang a beautiful gospel song.

"Awesome voice!" Sam remarked finishing the last of his pizza slice. "Except for one thing."

"What's that?" Pilar asked.

"We're playing mainstream music," answered the Asian American teen. "Not Christian rock or gospel songs! Pop Factor doesn't want anything too religious because it alienates their viewers of different faiths!"

Pilar exhaled. "You're right!" Shutting off the camera, she tugged at her dark brown hair. "I give up! We've been looking through videos for two hours and it's now eight o'clock in the evening and we haven't found a lead singer! We might as well give up and let Desiree rejoice in our failure!"

"Don't say that!" Dee scowled. "As this group's manager, you're supposed to be our rock! You'll find someone before the Pop Factor auditions, Pilar!"

The gothic teen covered her face. "What if I can't? Oh! It's hopeless! I'm a lousy manager!"

Flo hugged the young woman. "Calmanse. You'll find someone for us! We believe in you! Esta bien?"

"Esta bien," smiled Pilar in her basic Spanish, tapping the Latin teen's hand. "Now if only we can agree on a name for this band."

"I still say we call ourselves The Stormtroopers!" Sam declared.

"No!" Dee frowned. "No Star Wars or Star Trek references! That includes Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Captain Kirk, Picard, or anything with the name R2-D2!"

"Then let's go with Sexy Lingerie!" Sam laughed.

Cynthia shot the Asian teen a disapproving look. "I DO NOT WANT TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THE NAME SEXY LINGERIE; YOU PERV!"

"I like Estoy Positivo!" Flo suggested.

"What does that mean?" Dee inquired.

"I'm positive!" Flo answered. "Es muy bien, si? It gives everyone a positive message of self-esteem and confidence."

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