Chapter 8: "It's Truly Outrageous!"

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Musical legends Luna Dark, Lena Lerner and Johnny Deacon stared at the group performing onstage of the Los Angeles Palladium Arena where the musical competition Pop Factor was televised. Seated in the audience were the hundred or so aspiring musicians hoping for their chance at stardom. Each of the groups including their family and friends got the opportunity to watch the acts audition in front of the panel as the three judges decided the fates of each of the band members. Would they or would they not get the opportunity to compete on the hit television show? Only the trio of judges got to decide.

Sipping their bottled water and munching on some snacks, the trio forced themselves to stay awake during the grueling process. With her blonde hair covering the table, Luna slammed her head against the hard wood of the counter in frustration as Lena popped another aspirin into her mouth. Johnny meanwhile stared at in awe of the all-girl group calling themselves Veronica's Closet as they paraded in front of him in nothing but skimpy undergarments and high heels.

Upon finishing their set, Veronica's Closet's lead singer Mitzi Allure bent down to flirt with Johnny who had drool coming down the corners of his mouth.

"How's was that, Johnny?" Mitzi asked in a breathy voice.

Johnny seemed lost. "That was...uh..."

Luna Dark took the lead. "It was unmemorable. If you want to roll around and gyrate on stage, might I suggest working as a strip club? Even I was offended, and I use to perform in lingerie back in the day!"

"Miss Luna is right!" Lena nodded. The African American soul singer had no problem being honest with each of the contestants. "That was horrible! Girl, you need to give up singing and do Playboy or something! That made me want to run and grab some penicillin!"

"YOU LIE!" Mitzi screamed. "WE CAN SING!" She grabbed her lead guitarist's instrument and threatened to bash Lena with it.

"SECURITY!" Luna screeched for their mob of beefy bodyguards.

Within seconds, the show's protective team grabbed the feral band members and booted them out of the arena. Lena and Luna glared at Johnny who cringed at the corner of his seat.


"Lena's right!" The blonde pop star snapped. "You're letting your hormones get in the way of your good judgment! We need to find good contestants to compete for Pop Factor not some second-rate bimbos who can't sing or play music!"

Johnny Deacon threw his hands up in the air. Removing his signature bandana from his forehead, he wiped away the sweat from his face. It was going to be a long audition process.

The male musician groaned. "How many more?"

"Turn around," snorted Luna.

Johnny glanced over his shoulder to see the hundreds of hopefuls auditioning and chugged his water bottle. He was in for a long day.

Back in the audience, a giddy Phyllis Raymond embraced her Bible as her husband Eric sat near the aisle as she listened to his wife give some last-minute advice to her daughter's band.

"Now listen everyone," Pizzazz suggested. "Look the judges into the eye and give them the wrath of God. For He who hath believe in His blessing will be saved! God shall bestow upon His greatest gift which is music so break a leg!"

She shifted her gaze over to her husband Eric who seemed bored by the whole thing. "I remember when I was an up and coming singer, and everyone bore witness to my true potential! God hath blessed me that day and I became a famous Pizzazz, the most famous Misfit ever to be gifted by the Lord. The same shall happen to you!"

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