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Standing in the shower, the hot water runs down my body. The tears blend within the droplets as the pain in my heart grows deeper.

What happened to us? We used to be so happy. Dan and I were so much in love, but now I feel like it's over. How can I forgive him for this, when he never even apologized?

Replaying the coversation in my mind I still can't believe this was the man I married. 

He compared me to his mother and knew it would inflate the situation, but Dan went there anyway. It hurt more than he could know, yet he acted like this was no big deal. Dan kept pushing me, forcing the issue, and seemed to want this to happen. An hour ago, everything was fine and then he wanted to talk about going on vacation without us.

"Fucking asshole," I whisper to myself.

Dan was so hurtful and nasty that I barely recognized my husband. Does he really think so little of me?

"Tonight, I am drawing a line in the sand, and I can no longer ignore the temper tantrums. This is the first time he hit me but by the look in his eyes, I doubt it will be the last. There was no immediate remorse, and that tells me he no longer cares." I tell myself.

God, how did everything good turn so bad? Why do I allow him to treat me this way? Why don't I walk away, just take the kids and run? The answer is because you're in love with him, you're gullible, too trusting and an idiot, Cecelia. God, I love him, but I'm so sick of feeling this way.

The room goes completely dark.

"Why did the lights go out?" I holler, but no one answers me, of course...

Reaching down, I turn off the water, open the shower door, and grab my towel off the hook. While wrapping myself up, a shiver runs through me as I grab another towel for my hair.

Drying myself off, I wish there was a window in here. At least I could see something in the moonlight.

Feeling around, I find my clothes on the edge of the whirlpool tub and decide to put them on. Stepping into my thong, my foot gets caught and I lose my balance. Reaching out to catch myself from falling, there is nothing to grab hold of in the darkness.

As I hear a thud and feel the pain, my legs give out.

Waking up on the cold hard tile floor, I feel this intense throbbing and realize that I've hit my head on the marble vanity. The intense pain radiates from my forehead, all around my skull. There is this feeling of wetness on my face, which makes me wonder if it's water or blood.

What an awful day and it's not getting much better.

While sitting here freezing, I hold my head and allow the floodgates to open. As I sobbed into my hands, I feel the pain come to life in my cheek once more. I try to stifle the sound of my tears, because of the kids, and all I need is a moment just for me.

I need a good cry to let it all out and be rid of these horrible feelings.

"Cece! Where are you!" Dan screams angrily as I try to compose myself.

Reaching up, I use the edge of our bathroom sink to steady myself. Then, getting to my feet, I stand there waiting, as the flashlight shines under the door.

Answering him softly, I reply, "I'm in here and I hit my head."

The door flies open. I'm then blinded by the light. Unable to see, he gasps at what I can only imagine is the sight of me.

Kissed By A Catalyst (Kissed Series Book 1 of 6)Where stories live. Discover now