Chapter 3: Communal Living

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Looking down at Dan, kneeling on the bedroom floor, I now know this is going to be bad, so I brace for the absolute worst. He is quiet and seems to be looking for the right words to say, which stresses me further.

Dan says, "Alright, I might as well just come out with it because you are only thinking the worst. As I said, it's a state-wide outage and might go much further out than most people think. From what I've been told, the outage may still be spreading. Several people in town said they saw strange lights in the sky last night, over the lake, as Josh said. I'm not sure what to think about that, but it's causing mass hysteria around here. Also, the sheriff's office is not responding to radio calls from Patrick Daniels, the Fire Chief and that worries him."

"My God," I say, as Dan shakes his head.

He adds, "No one seems to know anything for certain yet, but it does not look good, especially for my business. The companies I work for do not need someone when they don't have any employees working, no electricity, let alone computers that can't access the internet. We are going to take a hit, sweetheart, so there is no money coming in for now or anytime soon." He explains, but I knew that already.

I state, "Even if we wanted to access the bank, there is no way we could get any money out. Hey Dan, how did you buy the generator? Did you write a check?"

"No, Gideon, let me buy it on store credit. His family is allowing those they know in town to have a small line of credit at their hardware store, to use for emergency." He states.

Looking at him, that seems strange, so I ask, "Well, isn't everyone in town dealing with the same problem? How did we get so lucky? I'm glad you got it but..."

"But what? I walked in, talked to Gideon, and he allowed me to use the credit for the generator. What don't you understand?" he says with an attitude.

Quickly I add, "No, I understand, but you two don't get along, never have, and I'm just surprised he was being nice to you, is all. I'm thrilled you bought it. All I wanted to know was how you paid for the generator so that I can keep track of our bank account. By the way, how much did he charge you?"

While asking this, he grows angry and I see the annoyed look on his face.

Dan stands up and says, "You don't need to worry about that. I have it covered and we will take care of the credit line when things get back to normal."

"So, it was a lot of money and he screwed you over by marking it up. That sounds more right to me and something that asshole would do to you. It's okay. We needed it, and I'd pay anything for us to have power. Thank you for getting it for us, Dan." I say, hoping to smooth things over.

"Actually, I got a great deal on it and he was very nice to me. Probably because he still has feelings for you. Listen, let's not talk about the fucking generator anymore. We have it, our lights are on, the food is cold, and that's all I care about. Tomorrow, there is a meeting at Haden's grocery store. I'll go for us and you will stay here with the kids." Dan says in a tone.

I ask, "Why can't I go? I'd like to hear what's being said too."

"NO! You will stay here, where it is safe, with our kids. You are not going into town with the way everyone is acting lately." Dan hollers at me like I'm a child.

He adds, "The police are not responding. The fire department has dispersed, our local town hall is clueless and the entire state, if not the surrounding states, is without power. I know you think I'm being an asshole, but I want you three safe and sound."

Seeing his expression, I reply softly, "I understand, Dan, and I do not think you're an asshole. There is a lot on your plate right now and I agree with you."

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