Chapter 10: Lily

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Making breakfast for everyone, including my sister and her husband. My mind drifts off to that day. Kelly and Todd had just been married. Dan was acting strange, but I ignored it because this was my sister's wedding. Lilith watched the twins for us so that we could fly to D.C. for their day, and Dan acted like he did not want to be there. At first, I thought he just didn't want to leave the babies. It was our first time away from them and I was nervous myself. Then Dan started in on me, stating he was ready to leave and that he disliked Todd.

My husband told me a similar story, stating he had seen my sister's brand-new husband flirting with the wedding coordinator that morning of their wedding. He had walked into the groom's suite and this woman was in there, helping Todd get dressed. His hands were wrapped around her as she zipped his fly and they kissed. Once they were done, Dan made himself known, and they seemed very embarrassed. Of course, Dan did not tell me about this until a few days after. By this point, Kelly was on her honeymoon, and I kept it to myself.

Now, I wonder who is telling the truth. Was Dan with Kelly's bridesmaid Amber, or did Todd flirt with and then kiss the wedding coordinator?

As I whisk the eggs, Kelly comes walking out to the back deck. I pour them on the griddle and feel her behind me. Turning to my sister, she looks at me and we hug again.

Kelly whispers in my ear, "I love you with all of my heart, Cece. I've only ever wanted the best for you. Do you hate me for not telling you what Todd saw?"

Pulling back from her, I reply, "No, but I was told a similar story about your husband from Dan. He said that before the ceremony, Todd was flirting and kissed your wedding coordinator up in the groom's suite. Now he may have been covering his tracks, I know, but I felt this needed to be shared. We have never kept secrets from each other and now we have a clean slate."

Kelly looks pale and says, "When did Dan tell you this story?"

"A few days after the wedding, while you two were in Hawaii, but Kelly, I've had this feeling that Dan has been cheating on me for years. Has Todd ever given you any reason to doubt him?" I ask softly.

Kelly answers, looking distressed, "No, not once, but the wedding planner was an old friend of his from college. Oh God, Cece, what if he's been cheating too? Are we both blind to the truth?"

"Laurel is gay. You know this, Kelly, and that never happened. Dan was lying to you, Cece. He was covering his own ass." Todd says with no anger at all.

He walks over to his wife and says, "Kelly, I have loved you from the moment we met. You hold my heart and soul in your hands. I'm nothing without you, my beautiful wife, and could not survive one day without you by my side. I respect you, I worship you, and I am yours because you are my world."

Hearing Todd say his wedding vows, a tear rolls down my cheek. This is love, true love, and I thought we had this one.

Looking at them, I say, "I'm so sorry I even said anything, Todd. I love you both so much."

Todd turns and hugs me, adding, "Cece, we love you too, and it's my fault that I never told you what I saw that day. Please forgive me."

Nodding at him, I walk into the house and set the prepared food down on the kitchen table. No longer able to keep my composure, I run upstairs to be alone.

Reaching the top step, I realize my kids are in our room sleeping. Turning to the playroom, quietly, I open the door and step inside just to have one moment alone.

I must try to push these feelings back down. Dan does not deserve my tears. He doesn't even remember our wedding, let alone what his vows were to me.

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