Chapter 11: Goodbye

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Saying goodbye to my children was such a hard thing to do. Luke acted mad that I was staying, and Ella cried. They both know why I needed to stay, but when it was time to get on the helicopter, everything changed. No longer did they care about my reasons, that somewhere out there, on his own, is their daddy or that he may need my help. My two beautiful babies just wanted their mommy. I reminded them that they are my reason for living and kissed my twins goodbye, for now.

Kelly and Todd held my children as the chopper lifted off. Lori, Avery, and Josh waved to us, looking thrilled to be leaving this desolate place, to go on to where life is more than normal. No longer will they have to work in the garden, hand wash every dish, and pray the food holds out. All of them will be living a life of luxury, while I stay here alone, with a man I barely know.

Talion says softly, "Where do you want to start looking?"

As I wipe away my tears, the sadness immediately gets replaced by anger and I reply, "Bridget's apartment."

"Do you know where she lives, Cece?" he asks.

"Yes, I have the address, because I did the payroll for our business," I state while walking to the truck.

My hands have been itching like crazy today. Touching the truck door handle, I see a spark from my fingertips. Ignoring it, I climb into the cab, and he just looks at me for a moment. Talion says nothing as he starts the vehicle.

This is the moment of truth. I wish there would have been time to go to the apartment before everyone left, but it is probably for the best. I did not want my kids to see my reaction if he was shacking up with Bridget.

Halfway to their place, Talion says, "You know if he is there, Dan is going to be angry with the both of us..."

"Good," I reply.

He then says, "I'm fine with him being mad at me, but you still love him. This might change everything you two ever had. Are you ready for that to happen?"

Looking over at him, I answer, "Talion, I just had to send my kids away. I buried his mother and I've seen too much death, possibly because of him. We are through. It's already over. If I walk in those doors and see him with another woman, then that is just to last nail in the coffin."

"Alright, I was just checking." He adds while speeding down the road.

Pulling up to the apartment complex, Talion gets out of the truck, but I take one more minute for myself.

Get mad, Cece. He left. You can do this, and if he's there, you must move on.

Opening the door, I see another spark and wonder what that is all about. It must be static electricity, but why do I not feel it?

Jumping out of the vehicle, I walk up the sidewalk to the front entrance. Looking at the doorbells, they are in apartment 5C, but I do not press the button. Reaching for the door, Talion goes to open it for me, but it's locked. Looking at the building, most of the windows are already broken, so I nod as he breaks the glass with his gun. He then unlocks the door and we slowly make our way inside. Technically, we have just entered this place illegally, but so be it.

Interesting... This place is rather nice, almost elegant, you might say, with the giant chandelier glistening in the sunlight. The sitting room is enormous, with several leather high-back chairs, a fireplace, and some couches arranged in small groups for intimate social gatherings. The baskets of fresh flowers are all dried up and dead, but I would assume they were beautiful and added to the elegance of this room, back before this began. It looks like they were living high on the hog. Dan being the pig that he is...

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