Chapter 23

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After Elyse left last night, Laura and I finished putting all my new clothes away. I was very impressed with the final look of the closet, and we also managed to put some things in the bathroom shelf that we had bought at the chemist. After that, Chris returned home and he had bought me what was called a SIM Card. Apparently that's what I needed to make my phone work when I wasn't at home, so he helped me to put that in and get it all set up. I also texted him for the first time so that he could save my number.

This morning, I woke up at a more regular time and got up to have breakfast again. Laura made me the same toast, and I learnt that the spread on top was peanut butter.

"You should wear team colours today!" Laura clapped her hands in excitement.


"The school colours, for the sports day. All the families dress up, especially the kids. You can wear Austin's jumper and I've got ribbons we can put in your hair. Only if you want to though."

"Sure." I nodded. It sounded fun and it made her happy.

"Yay!" She smiled. We went upstairs into Austin's room and into his wardrobe.

"I can wait outside." I said, feeling like I was intruding.

"Don't be silly. He won't care, I promise." She gave me a comforting look before continuing to go through his clothes to find the school jumper. "This one is from last year, but he's still the same number and this one will probably fit you better. He's a bit bigger than you."

I took the hoodie and slid it on over my pyjamas. I still needed to get dressed but I wanted to try it on. It was warm and smelt nice too.

"You look great!" Laura told me. I went and got changed into some black jeans and my new white runners. I put on a t-shirt and crop top underneath the hoodie, and then waited for Laura to find a hairbrush so she could do my hair. She accidentally left the one we had already bought at the hospital. "I can't believe I forgot to buy you one yesterday." She muttered, shaking her head.

"It's okay." I smiled. I didn't think I needed one, but I understood my appearance was a bit more noticed here, plus I wanted to look good if I met any of her friends.

"How are we going in here?" Chris asked, peeking his head through the door.

"Good." I answered.

"You look amazing." He complimented.

"We just need to do her hair and then we can go." Laura frowned, still unable to find a hairbrush.

"No hurry. Also, Laura?"

"Yes?" She huffed, turning around to face him.

"Top shelf." He grinned, walking off.

"Couldn't have told me that 10 minutes ago!" She yelled behind him, but there was a hint of laughter in her voice that assured me she wasn't angry.

She quickly grabbed brush and did my hair in a neat ponytail at the back, adding yellow and blue ribbons that matched the hoodie I was wearing.

"Did you take the tags out of your clothes?" Laura asked me.

"Tags? What tags?" She laughed and took me to the kitchen where she grabbed the scissors. I jumped back.

"I'm sorry, look." She put the scissors down on the bench and came over. Gently grabbing the back of my top, she showed me there was a piece of dangling cardboard with the name of the store and the price written on it. "I'm just going to cut it out, okay?"

"Okay." I nodded, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes. I didn't like scissors.

Laura tried to do it as quickly as she could and after less than thirty seconds, she told me she was done. I let out a small sigh of relief at that.

"Chris!" Laura yelled. "We're ready!"

"Let's go then." He smiled, appearing out of nowhere. We went outside and got in Chris's car since he was driving. He helped me get in again and then we were off. "Coffee?" He asked Laura.

"Definitely." She smiled.

We drove along to the same strip of shops we had been to the previous day and stopped at a small café. Laura went in whilst Chris and I stayed in the car. For the first time since the day I was taken to the hospital, Chris turned on the radio and I could hear music. I didn't know the song, but I didn't mind. It was relaxing.

"It's not long until your birthday you know." Chris told me, starting a conversation.


"Yeah, November 16th."

"Oh. How old?" I asked, the question coming out before I could shut my mouth.

"16." He answered, unalerted by the fact I didn't know how old I was. I didn't feel old enough to be turning 16. 16-year olds were allowed to drive. I wasn't ready to drive. I wasn't ready to do anything.

"This is for you, and this is for you." Laura smiled, getting back into the car with two cups and a brown paper bag. She handed me the brown paper bag and Chris one of the cups.

"Thankyou." I smiled. I took out the big chocolate chip cookie and took a bite. Heaven as always.

We then continued driving for another fifteen minutes before pulling into a large driveway. Cars were coming in and out everywhere, but the sign read, Monarch Secondary College in big swirly letters. Green ovals and fields painted with white lines covered every surface. I could see a massive glass building with a pool in it in the distance, as well as other courts. There was another big building next to the pool which I imagined had indoor courts and was used as a gym. Boys and girls in all sorts of outfits appeared everywhere, running and passing balls to each other. We continued driving, looking for somewhere to park the car until we finally found a spot. We then got out and made our way to the grandstand.
I PROMISE SHE MEETS HER BROTHERS THE NEXT CHAPTER. I will post that chapter in a day or two I promise as I feel people are getting sick of me dragging it out and I'm sorry!!

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