Chapter 67

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The next few days flew by. I had my first proper haircut, which went fine. The hairdresser apparently went to high school with Nick, so they had a good chat and I just listened along, not paying too much attention. I couldn't really tell the difference afterwards, except my hair looked the straightest and cleanest I had ever seen it, which I loved. None of the boys could tell either but told me I looked pretty anyways. I had my last few training sessions with Teddy, and tomorrow, I could bring him home.

"Ash, put this on for me." Nana handed me my school dress.

"Why?" I asked, confused since I wasn't starting school for a few more days. I was trying not to think about it too much. I had such mixed emotions; I didn't know what to feel.

"Fixing it. Don't you think it's too long?" She smiled. I didn't really know, since I'd never worn a uniform or taken much notice of other girls' dress lengths, but I went and put it on anyway. She made me stand in the middle of the room, folding it up and using pins to make it stay in place. "How's this?"

"I don't know what it's meant to look like." I shrugged. She pushed me in front of the mirror and was mildly shocked at the difference the dress length made. I felt more confident and didn't feel like I was pushed against the fabric that much. It wasn't short but was no longer below my knees.

"I think most girls your age wear it about it here." Nana explained. "Okay, take it off."


"No one else is here, I'm not looking! I don't want you to knock any of the pins out and step on them." I eyed her carefully but unbuttoned the dress and took it off right there, leaving me standing awkwardly in the equivalent of bathers.

"Ash! I've got a parcel for you!" Nick yelled out. I screamed and ran into the nearest room, which happened to be Mum and Dads. "What's going on with her?" I heard him ask Nana as I wrapped myself in a blanket from the end of their bed.

"She's got no clothes on."

"I'm not even gonna ask." He mumbled. I could just imagine him rolling his eyes.

I couldn't help but look around at the frames hung up on the walls. I'd never been in here, and there were so many pictures. There were Christmas ones, with all the boys, and as you went around the room, they got younger and became separate pictures. There was a picture of Dad, Nick, Jonah and River with this other woman who I assumed was their birth mum. She was beautiful. As I kept looking, pictures of Ryan and Austin appeared, but then there was one with three. A little girl, the same face as Austin, only with long, curly hair. There were more; Ryan holding a little boy, and beside them, a little girl. She is me. I am her.

"I remember, when I was helping your parents set up this house, your mum told me all about this photo and the day. Austin Matthew and Ashlyn Stella being born. The twins. You should know she loves you very much, and so do all of us." Nana smiled fondly, wrapping me in a big hug and admiring the pictures.

"My middle name is Stella?" I asked, after a long silence.

"It means star. You were always her angel, the only little girl. And your mum thought she was being so clever because your initials spell Ash."

"Woah." I giggled. It was strange to feel like I was finding myself. All these tiny facts about me were helping me to understand who I was, just a little bit more each day. It was like the half of me built around others was changing, but in a way most people don't experience. I grew up not knowing these things about myself and now I'm learning everything at once. It feels like I'm growing up all over again, just differently.

"You should go put some clothes on." Nana chuckled, reminding me I was wearing a blanket. I quickly went and put my clothes back on and went to find Nick.

"This came for you." He handed me a box then helped me find scissors to open it. I had a bit of trouble at first, much to his amusement, but finally, I was able to open the packaging and try out my glasses. "You should call Dad so that he can explain them to you. They might need to be adjusted when he comes back."

I called him, but he didn't answer, so instead I helped Nick prepare dinner. It was sport night again, so the other boys were coming home late.

"Your birthday is coming up soon." He stated.

"Oh yeah." I'd never celebrated my birthday, of course, so it wasn't really the prominent thought in my head right now. I knew birthdays were quite a big celebration though. I would always hear talk of parties and events when people turned another year older at my old school. I think I was invited to a few, but never went. I never even went to school on the class party days because I knew I couldn't bring anything, and I didn't want to be embarrassed.

"What were you thinking of for presents?"

"I get presents?"

"Yeah." He said slowly, looking at me slightly strangely.


"So, any ideas?" Right now, I was too focussed on Teddy and school to be even thinking about presents.

"I don't really have anything to ask for. I have much more than I could ever want and need." I told him, straightforwardly. I really didn't have anything to ask for.

"If only everyone thought like you." He kissed me on the forehead and hugged me.

Later that evening, after Nana had left, I relayed the information my trainer had told me about bringing Teddy home. There were very strict instructions I needed to follow for the first while, and my trainer would come and visit my house every so often to ensure Teddy was doing his job correctly. All the boys were very compliant and understood fully.


Whilst everyone is waiting, feel free to please give me ideas for this and the sequel. Big or small ideas can often spark my imagination so I will thank anyone for anything!!!!!!

I'm also trying to read a lot more this year. So far, I'm loving the Rupi Kaur books!
I've also just binged Bridgerton and I absolutely love it! Daphne and the duke are my 2 favourites. ;)

Follow me @sydnie6624 for updates on any chapters of this story and when I plan to finish it!!



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