Chapter 32

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We drove off, winding our way through lots of streets, lined with expensive looking houses. I never thought I would end up living in a wealthy area. This looked like royalty compared to back there. There weren't too many cars on the road, so it didn't take us very long to pull up at the service station so we could fill up the car before going to pick up Laura.

We parked and Nick got out of the car, coming to my side. He opened my door and smiled at me as he started filling the car. I watched as the meter behind him started counting quickly. Nick explained to me that the number of litres you put in determined the price, which is why fuel was expensive. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw the price meter go up. I hadn't seen that amount of money written anywhere before. $100 was a lot of money just to drive your car, and you had to pay that so often.

"Do you want to come in?" Nick asked me. I was a bit frightened to stay in the car alone, so I nodded and followed him into the store that was with the service station. There was a lady at the cash register, and I trailed along after Nick as we approached her. The store was full of food. Donuts, muffins and every kind of chocolate bar you could ask for. There was a colourful machine at the back which I assumed contained some kind of drink.

"Number 4." Nick told the woman. I had no clue what that meant.

"Sure thing, that will be $114.87 please. Card?"

"Yes, thank you." Nick tapped his shiny looking credit card on the small machine and put it back in his wallet.

"You know honey, you should really eat some more. It's not healthy to be that skinny." The women said, looking me up and down. I didn't like people commenting on my body. It was mine.

I felt Nick tense up as he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him.

"Ma'am, that's none of your business."

"She'll never get a boyfriend looking like that." She looked me up and down again, distastefully.

"Ma'am, stop speaking to my sister like that." He growled, more seriously than I'd ever heard anyone speak. I was too focussed on trying not to cry that I barely noticed he called me his sister. He quickly grabbed by hand and directed me back to the car as quick as he could. The moment I sat down I burst into uncontrollable tears.

"Shh, Ash, it's okay."  Nick said, quickly shutting my door and walking around to get in the driver's seat. He put his arm around my shoulders and held me there until I started to calm down. "Don't listen to her, okay? She knows nothing about you." Everything she said sparked memories of when I lived back there.






I wanted to scream. I wanted to hit something, but my inner self knew that wasn't going to solve anything. I was living proof of that theory.

"Ash, please calm down. Take big deep breaths and we can get to Laura, okay? I know you'll feel more comfortable with her." I tried to listen and take deep breaths, a coping mechanism I was well aware of, but every breath just made me sob harder.

Eventually, after what felt like months, my sobs started to get quieter, and my tears slowed down. Nick held my hand but started the car and started driving. It took less than ten minutes to get to the nearby coffee shop where Laura was, so we parked out the front and he called her. She didn't answer but quickly appeared out the front of the store. She opened the passenger seat door, took one look at me and was instantly frowning and fussing.

"What happened!?" She exclaimed, almost in tears herself. I felt awful.

"The lady at the servo was horrible." Nick explained. Laura helped me into the back seat and got in next to me.

"What did she do? She didn't touch you, did she?!" Laura asked me.

"No." I shook my head quietly.

You know honey, you should really eat some more.

It's not healthy to be that skinny

She'll never get a boyfriend looking like that.

The words and phrases swirled around my mind as Nick explained to her exactly what happened. Laura held me close, stroking my hair comfortingly. I tried my hardest to pull myself together. I was never one to cry, yet now, it feels like it's all I ever do. I really thought living here would be different. Less of those people. Less hate. Less negativity. Maybe I need to grow up and realise that no matter where you go there are always bad people in the world. Maybe there will always be racists and homophobes. Maybe I will never live in a society where people are considerate and understanding. It's sad to think that our planet has developed so much, yet basic manners and compassion is still so hard for so many people.

"I'm so sorry Ash." Laura kissed my forehead, squeezing me tight.

"It's okay." I told her.

"No it's not." Nick said. And I knew, it really wasn't.

"I'm going to give Sarah a call when we get back and tell her. She said she knew plenty of officers here. Maybe they'll be able to do something." Laura told me.

"Who's Sarah?" Nick asked.

"The police officer who was there and saved Ash." Laura smiled at me.

"She's really nice." I told him quietly.

"That's good." He smiled, looking at me through the rear-view mirror.

"Let's make something special when we get home. I think it's best we leave furniture shopping for another day."

"Ryan really wanted to come too."

"Yes he did." Laura smiled at me. "Maybe he can take the day off school and come with us tomorrow."

"I would like that." I nodded, giving her a small smile.

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