Chapter 34

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Laura and I both agreed our cookies tasted amazing. Whilst we waited for Chris and the boys to come home from school and work, Laura showed me the IKEA website since we were going to buy furniture for my room tomorrow.

"Ryan can have the day off school and come with us since he seems so desperate to help out." Laura agreed.

I didn't understand why I needed new furniture, since I already had a bed, a shelf, a full-on bathroom and walk in wardrobe, but Laura insisted that we had to make the room mine. She didn't want it to be left as the guest room, since I was here to stay for good.

I pointed out this hanging chair which I thought was pretty cool, and Laura said that would be the first thing we would add to our cart. I looked at some pieces of artwork, although Laura said we should support some local artists if I wanted things like that, since they would be more unique and much less generic. Another thing Laura insisted on getting rid of was the desk in my room. Apparently, she never liked it and was desperate to get a new one anyway, so I looked over the different styles to find one I liked. I also picked out a mirror, some faux plants and other little trinkets.

"It will be easier to decide what you want when we're actually there, and we will have to see what they have in stock too."

Laura also suggested that we do a feature wall in my room. I decided to get some hanging vines and lights to cover one wall, but they couldn't be bought in store. Laura shooed me into the kitchen to get another cookie whilst she ordered the décor. I figured she didn't want me there to see the price, since I had mentioned to her in the hospital that I didn't need all this money spent on me. Of course, any idea of the sort was instantly dismissed.

Before I could get back to Laura, the front door opened and in walked Chris.

"Hey Ash." He smiled kindly, seeing me.

"Hi." I smiled back; my mouth full of cookie.

"What are you eating?" He laughed.

"Nothing." I replied, grinning even more at the thought. Laura said to not tell them so that we could have them. I knew she was joking though.

"You most certainly are eating something missy." He chuckled, gently hugging me and kissing my forehead. "Are you okay? Laura told me what happened. Nick was there right?"

"He was there." I nodded. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" He checked, showing great concern on his face. I could tell his worry was real. Nothing about Chris was fake or insincere.

"I'm fine."



"Now get me one of these cookies."

"Laura said they were just for me and her. No boys allowed." I grinned cheekily. I felt so confident being like this.

"Did she now? I don't agree with that so much." Before I could do anything, he darted around me and raced into the kitchen, shoving a cookie into his mouth before anyone could stop him.

"Chris! They are not for you!" Laura exclaimed, appearing next to me. He shrugged and grinned.

"Too late."

"I smell cookies!" Yelled a voice from the front of the house. I was pretty sure it was River.

"Quick, Ash." Laura winked. She grabbed a contained and we piled them all in as quickly as we could.

"Hold it right there!" Ryan pointed at us, catching us in the moment. "Step away from the cookies." He said slowly.

"Quickly!" Laura whispered, piling more cookies into the container.

"Get them!" River yelled, running towards us. Laura and I squealed as we were pulled away from our spot at the bench. I was stuck in River's hold and Ryan was on Laura. Austin and Jonah made a quick lunge for the contained and disappeared into the lounge room with them.

River and Ryan let go of us and quickly went into the lounge to get some cookies of their own.

I couldn't believe how much fun I was having, and it wasn't even a special day. Good things were happening at home.

"Damn, Ash, there go our cookies." Laura sighed, keeping her smile.

"Oh well. We'll just have to make more!"

"Make as many as you like!" River yelled from the lounge room. "They are so good!"

"You better not be eating on my couch!" Laura yelled back. "Dirty pigs leave crumbs all over my precious couch." She whispered to me. I knew she didn't mean it in a bad way, she was just joking. Something about her was always so calm. I always felt safe around her.

We all went into the lounge room and hung around as they boys ranted about what happened at school and what was happening in the sports world. I didn't have a connection to any of it, but the constant chatter was refreshing. I didn't have to think to much either.

The conversations were interrupted by a ringing phone, which turned out to be Laura's.

"It's Sarah." She said, looking interested but not worried.

"Who's Sarah?" Ryan asked, as Laura left the room.

"She was the police officer who came and saved me. She came and saw me in the hospital nearly every day." I explained quietly. Everyone's faces fell and the room became silent.

"Why is she calling now? Wouldn't her work be over for the day?"

"We called her earlier. She's probably just following it up."

"What would she have to follow up?" Austin asked this time. So many questions.

"We had a run in at the service station." Nick said, coming down the stairs.

"What do you mean? What happened?" Ryan sat up, rigid and tense.

Nick explained exactly what happened, sparing no detail. I liked that they were open with each other, but I did wonder if it was only because I was here. Maybe this wasn't how they usually act.

"You know honey, you should really eat some more. It's not healthy to be that skinny." The women said, looking me up and down. I didn't like people commenting on my body. It was mine.

I felt Nick tense up as he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him.

"Ma'am, that's none of your business."

"She'll never get a boyfriend looking like that." She looked me up and down again, distastefully.

"Ma'am, stop speaking to my sister like that."

"Sarah said she was going to contact a police officer here and do something about it." I said quickly, before any of the boys could react to what Nick had told them.

"I'm going to go and do something about it right now." Ryan stood up, looking furious.

"Ryan, sit down right now." Chris instructed, using his firm voice. "The police will handle this and make sure nothing like this happens again, okay? The best thing you can do right now is stay here and be there for Ash."

"I'm fine, really." I told them all, trying to relax their concerned faces.

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