07: Pity Kiss?

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THAT NIGHT IN THE DRESSING ROOM, us girls couldn't stop gagging and screeching at the recollection of our  'Getting Trollied' memories today

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THAT NIGHT IN THE DRESSING ROOM, us girls couldn't stop gagging and screeching at the recollection of our  'Getting Trollied' memories today.

Paige had me in stitches. "I'm not even joking yas, we must have just stood in the middle majority of that whole game just gagging at each other."

We all laughed. "Literally, I was trying so hard but I just couldn't. That cheese?"

"OH MY WORD, DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THAT CHEESE!" Siânnise exclaimed, turning around in her seat with her mascara in hand.

"The smell?!" Jess said, and I faked a vomit noise. We all laughed. I began brushing my eyebrows down, "Siânnise, I thought you and Nas actually did pretty well, you know."

All the girls nodded and 'yeah!'d' in agreement. Siânnise smiled with a shrug of her shoulder, "I know! I think it's 'cause we've such big mouths!"

"Callum has such a big mouth." Shaugnha deadpanned, and it made all us girls squeal.
I dabbed the tears away from my eyes, not wanting to ruin the makeup around my eyes.

"Well Ash, what about you, huh? Getting awful close with Luke M, now." Sophie brought up, making them all squeal and joke.

I shook my head slightly at the childishness. It'd been like three days. "I know. No boundaries now, I guess."

The girls laughed, and I began to confess my inner thoughts to the girls with a groan in my tone, "he's actually so hot guys, I can't take it."

They all screamed at that.
What drama queensbut then again, our only source of entertainment and gossip was each other. "No for real, he's actually gorgeous— Lush!" I laughed to myself, using Siânnise's word. The girls seemed all delighted, and even Jess hugged me from behind, "so cute!"

"You haven't kissed him yet, have you?" Rebecca asked, putting her outfit together. I shook my head, putting my eyelashes on through the mirror. "No, not yet. Suppose I may tonight though, shouldn't I?" I shyly grinned, already waiting for the girl's reaction to this. Perhaps a pity kiss? For being good to me in today's challenge?

The screamed again, jumping on the chairs and running around the place. Shaughna had her arms around my shoulders, shaking me with excitement. "YESSSS!"

I thought they were still hyper from today's challenge. I smiled and stood up from my seat to over-look my outfit for tonight. It was good. Topping up on my lipstick, Siânnise and I walked outside, ready to have our first chat of tonight in the villa.


"—But yeah. Honestly, I just don't know how I'm going to cope with this any longer. I want to get to know Luke, of course, I do, but at the same time I don't want to be waiting around like second best." The brunette girl confessed to me on the steps. We hadn't even drunk anything yet; we were saving that for later.

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