14: Aftermath

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FOR OTHERS, THE NIGHT got worse and worse the longer it went on, but in particular, I was finding the aftermath alright.

Mike and Leanne's exchange had apparently ended quite bitterly, while Shaughna had actually had quite the disagreement with Sophie which had resulted in tears. Yeah, the aftermath wasn't always as sweet for some people.

"Can't believe you wanted to match with me," I said whilst in a daydream.

Luke scoffed and rolled his eyes humorously and went straight to under my arm to tickle me fro trying to be funny.

"I actually think that is so cute that you two did that," Siânnise smiled, with Luke T's arm around her shoulders. I looked to Luke in a 'are you proud of that' kind of way, but he only shoved me out of the way, done with my ongoing joke that he wanted to twin with me.

"Sorry, I just want us to be that couple." He joked, implying 'that' with a dramatic rise of his eyebrows. I foolishly smiled.

Siânnise and Luke T then left to go help tidy up for the night, and we were left on the daybed, watching everyone else outside unwind from current events. I had seen Nas follow Sophie shortly after she had gone back into the villa, which was comforting to know because she did seem upset after her conversation with Shaughna.

I would find out what went down tomorrow maybe, right now seemed too soon- tensions were still a bit high for some people.

"What you worrying about?" A voice piped up, and I looked back at Luke with a nonchalant look on my face. Nothing was really wrong but I don't know, I just didn't feel 100% knowing Sophie wasn't in the happiest form. It would annoy me if Shaughna was nasty to her, because she knew herself– she had a bit of a big mouth.

His shoe tapped my back as an implement to answer. I looked back at him and replied, "Nothing's wrong. Just thinking about Sophie. Maybe I should check in on her," I said, already making my mind up, but as I stood up from the bed, Luke grabbed a hold of my hand and shook his head.

"Look! Sophie's fine, she has Nas." He started off, slowly pulling back towards the bed. I sat on my knees in front of him, listening to him closely as he went on. "Sophie's probably feeling a mixture of things, happy, sad, disappointed– Ash, she probably just wants to be alone. And Shaughna– Shaughna might be annoyed at you for running after Sophie." And he did had a point, I was just that little bit closer to Shaughna than Sophie.

But Sophie was still a friend at the end of the day– Shaughna was supposedly the one that was being mean.

"But Luke, Shaughna was the one arguing with her." I held my arm out.

"But that's none of your business, Ash." He said, guiding my arm down. "We don't know what Shaughna's properly said yet."

I looked at him feeling a bit defeated, but stood up again. "I think I should see Sophie."

"Ash." He said sternly, giving me a look. "Don't. What do you think or how do you think Shaughna's gonna feel when you go running after Sophie? She'll think you think she's a bully; an evil bitch." He muttered between us, laughing me to fight a humourous smile.

I sat back down with a sigh. "Alright, alright." I suppose it is not my business. Things could escalate if I spoke to either of them, and Shaughna wasn't in the best of moods right now.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang