Chapter 4

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I held my two sons close & started taking steps back, cowering into a corner. There was no where to run. Not from them, not from the truth. America slowly approached me, as to not spook me.

I took aim, I know it would take more then a bullet to kill a country, but I wasn't aiming to kill.

A gun was put into my hand at a young age & I hated it. But life isn't very kind is it? Heh, nope.

"Reich," Ames voice was soft. He eyed the gun closely. "Put the gun down, & no one gets hurt-," "I don't believe you, I don't want to believe you. Someone always gets hurt in these situations," I snapped. Heavy footsteps approached, Soviet emerged through the doorway, rifle up & ready to fire. "Don't shoot," America growled, lowering the gun with his hand.

I brought my wings in more, shielding my young from the two countries. "Why the hell not?" Soviet said rather sassily. "Because-," "Because we need him alive," France walked in, Britain by her side.

I felt relived, but I kept my guard up as she approached me. Lowering the gun I allowed her to get close enough to grab the gun lightly from my hand & place it in her belt. "He's just a child, no need to be so harsh," She spoke lightly. She took a glance back behind her. "Go outside, I'll meet you there," France took hold of my cowering form.

America took a glance back before catching up to Soviet, talking. "Are you alright love?" She said soothingly. I gave a single nod. I'm happy I at least have someone on their side, other then Italy. My breathing was unsteady, I was stressed, scared, & tense. She took me into her arms, hugging me lightly as to not hurt the two twins being balanced in one of my arms.

I allowed her to take them for a minute why I stood up & regained myself, before taking them both into my arms & hiding them with my wings. "What's gonna happen to me?" I whispered, following the graceful country to the entrance of the bunker. "You'll be taken to a lab, were the EU will have you under his custody." She mumbled. "I tried to convince them to let you stay with your sons, but they said East, & West will be sent with the father, or fathers, in your case," she finished.

The drive to the lab was a long one. When we arrived, EU had me stripped to a hospital gown, thrown onto a stretcher, & taken to a testing lab. It felt weird not having my boys close to me. It was the first time since they were born I didn't have them within arms reach.

While I was there, America, Soviet, Britain, & France came in. "Let's get this over with. America grabbed me by my throat, taking a pocket knife, & getting dangerously close to my eye.

I scream ripped through my throat as he carved out my right eye, leaving my left. Blood poured from the socket, as my body hit the ground. He held my eye in his hand. "A purple iris, what a beauty dontcha think?" He said pulling one of his prize winning smirks.

France watched in horror, holding back tears. Not taking her eyes away from my fallen form.
Britain noticed, taking her out of the room.

Soviet stepped on my back, took my left wing in his hand, & hatched it off, ripping through flesh & snapping the bone when he got close enough. Holding a well groomed, black, bloody, wing in his hand. I cowered to the floor holding my back, sobbing. He hummed in satisfaction, eyeing the wing up n' down. 

I was bent over a table by America & had my ass branded. Literally. & Soviet branded my chest. I lay there. The burning not subsiding. I passed out but was immediately woken to being drenched in cold water.
& then I was beat for lord knows how long.

All I know is I was dragged into the led bay in critical condition. & I was out for a while. I woke to my face being bandages, my left eye the only thing remaining in bandaged. I have bandaged going over my chest & torso, thighs, ankle, calves, & both arms, one of which was broken. My pulse flat lined a few times. But they got me back.

Once in a stable condition I got to see my sons one last time before they were taken by America & Soviet. America took West, & Soviet East.

Well, now we're really separated. It's obvious who the fathers of the twins are, West got Americas baby blue eyes, & a hint of Soviets forest eyes, & Soviets jawline from what I can see. East got a swirl of blue & purple in the left eye, & a forest green eye on the right. He had my soft facial features.

I'm never gonna see them again am I? No don't say that, I will. Eventually.

They tested weapons on me everyday. France visites me once a week to tell me how my sons are, & EUs interest in me continued to peek. I've gotten used to being locked up in solitude, tested & best.

I turned 15 tomorrow. Fuck.

Hey sexy weirdos!

I'm sorry it took so long, I'm usually getting these out by 11pm & that's late as duck boy but this one got downs at 12pm.

I'm tired, good night/day to you fellow chaps.

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