Chapter 8

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•I'm dying•


I stalk around the carrier impatiently, knives in hand, being prepped just for there victims.
Oh god the suspense of hearing their screams.
I was anxious to get a knife into one of their backs.

The blood curdling screams, pleads to stop, it was all to good to be true. The anticipation only building as we draw near.


I landed outside of Frances manor, the trackers led me here. I walked up to the door, & I knocked. From the other side I heard a 'COMING!' It was a women, probably in her 40s. Most likely France.

The moment she opened the door, she froze, looking at me, "hello ma'am, is America & Soviet here?" I ask politely. She just looked at me in disbelief. "I-... Reich?" Was all she said.

"That's me ma'am," I responded politely. "Oh please, come in!" She ushered me inside. Just roll with it.

She led me into a living room, were Russia, was helping America with bandages. I smirked to myself knowing I at least hit one of the bastards. Pretty close to a vital organ to.

"Oh uhh, Howdy Reich," America said glancing the other way, god he's bad at looking suspicious. Russia looked up at me, sending me a smile, then returning to Ames wounds. I hope they bleed out to my hands someday.

"Well I'm gonna go, Ukraine wants me home immediately," Russia said, walking away. France left a while ago, she said Britain needed her near the English Channel.

"So, hows it been?" America said standing up.
He didn't have a shirt on. Just bandages.
"I-... I've.." the flashbacks popped into my head. ".....Seen better days," I forced a smile.

"Hm, when are you coming by to see West, he's dying to see you again," America joked around. "Soon, soon," but not as soon as me ripping your heart out of your chest, then shoving it down your throat yo- (calm down).

"I'll be heading back to my country in a few days, you should come, he'd like to see you," He spoke out. Ok, I'll play along for a bit. It'll only make this sweeter.
"I wouldn't mind that,"


We had been in France for about a week, our next stop was America, I was gonna have my team stationed near by, ready to kill any who get in the way, my job, get in, get the documents, & get out.

West comes home at about 430 from kindergarten. So I have about 2 hours to get America to give me the location.

I was dressed in black skinny jeans, a loose dark red sweater, & a pair of white leather boots. God, I wish I never got that memory back, I get so uncomfortable around others. I can't be in crowds, I don't like people touching me any lower then my torso.

I rung the doorbell to the manor. The door opened shortly after to Ame dressed in a tight black shirt, with camouflage pants that looked great around his ass might I add, & combat boots.

"West'll be home soon, until then you can go wait in my office to discuss what ever EU wanted," he said sending me a playful wink. I flinched at that, what the hell. Just play along. "sure," I smirked.

When I entered the office, I noticed a room of display cases, trophies, won from wars against other countries. At the end of the long room, I saw an eye, on top condition. I was the only country with purple irises. & this eye. Had a purple iris. "Reich-..." America walked in & stopped at the door. I stayed quiet, just play dumb. "Didn't know another country had purple irises, a beauty, don't you agree." I mumbled. "Yeah," was all he said.

After we got settled in his office, the discussion began. Of course, all of this was false to get close to him, but I wasn't getting close enough.
I saw a window of opportunity when he started to hit on me. Yup, definitely on (666 words here).

"So, what do you think?" I asked. "I'll consider the deal, though I see more of a gain to the EU then I do for my own country," he responded. Shifting his body a bit. "& what gain were you thinking on?" I knew were this was going, I slid a tranq dart into my sleeve.

He stood up & circled around to me. "Sure id get good allies & such," his hands went to my shoulders. "But, I was thinking more of a permanent stature," his hands started to trail lower to my chest. I had to use very fiber in my being to not break down right there.

I hummed in response, I turned my chair around to face him. "And what do you mean by that?" I smirked, standing up, & slowly pushing him backwards into the sofa that was pressed against the wall. "Oh don't be such a tease," he mumbled kissing at my neck. I pushed him onto the sofa, straddling his hips.

I had to fight back so many tears. The worse part was, it was the same person, the fact that it was even happening just sucked.

His hands trailed up my sides. One of his hands trailed down to my thigh, before anything went any further. "Hey, America." I stated. He hummed in response. "Remember that turn, when I was 14," I hinted. He paused, I knew what he thought. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Oh you know what I mean," before he could object, I stabbed him with the tranq, in the neck. It was enough to knock a grown moose out, so it could definitely knock a country out. Depending on the country.

I made sure to tie him up, if may knock them out, but it's a window that closes fast, pence I thought he was secure I sat down & waited.

Approximately 2min later. He was up, & violent. "Just tell me were the files are, & no one gets hurt." I smiled. "What was it to said? Someone always gets hurt in these situations?" He retorted. I growled quietly to myself.
"I can hold you here for as long as I need to," I stood up, & started searching the office.

"Honestly, you're wasting your own time,"
I smirked devilishly.

1060 words

Sweet Jesus, why do I do this to myself, sooo tired :,3

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