Chapter 5

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Date: Thursday, February 24, 1998.
Entity: Patient 169-019
Location: North America, Washington DC, White House.

I sat atop a building, not to far from where America's house, EU turned me into a weapon, trained to kill. I don't remember much about my past life, they had that remove.

"169-019, do you copy?" I heard my earpiece go off. "I'm in position." He made me an elite, used to kill & topple governments. I feel no emotions, I remember no one from my past, & I'm programmed to kill at all times.

It happened on my 15th birthday, that's as far as I remember. Today I prove my loyalty to EU. I am 16 now.

"Who's my target?" I mumbled I to the radio piece, aiming my sniper threw the window.  Two kids sat in the living room, watching tv, twins I'm guessing. They both had the same flag, no one else was in the room, so it's probably either America, or Soviet. Soviet got his flag changed though, & he went by Russia now.

I aimed my sniper for one of the adults. "In the living room, there are two countries. Eliminate them both," "Consider it done," I took my aim, I aimed at the one America had custody over, resting my fingers on the trigger. I hesitated a bit. "Pull the trigger," "give me a moment to line up my shot," I steadied my breath, & shifted I uncomfortably. Why can't I take the shot. Take the shot Reich, what are you doing. I removed my fingered from the trigger. It's just another victim, nothing more.

I steadied my self & regained my composure. "What's happening out there?" An annoyed voice came over the com. "Sorry boss, just feeling off today." "Well hurry up, piece your loyalty to me, Reich." "I hear ya loud & clear, sir," I realigned the shot to the one on the right.

They looked so familiar, my heart ached at the thought, who are they? "Sir, identify my targets," "East, & West Germany," get your head in the game.

I can't

I have to

Please no.

Just take the shot.

"Sir I can't do it." I lowered the rifle. I've killed children before, but I can't. I don't know why they look so familiar. "Return to HQ," I sighed, standing up. I spread my wings, one of which are mechanical. I was told I lost it in an accident, along with my right eye.

I landed at the platform where all the planes deck at. "Reich," My boss, EU, walked over to me. "I'm sorry I failed you sir," I got on my knee as a guard would their royals. "Stand up, I shouldn't have sent you after them." He sighed.
"I don't know what happened." I stood up, lowering my gaze. He looked my way. "What do you mean?" He cocked a brow. "I froze up, my mind went crazy telling me not to, my body didn't do what I commanded, like an instinct taking toll," I sighed. "Reich," he turned away. "We'll talle about this later, until then happy 18."

"Thank you, sir,"

I sat in my sweat, cleaning my rifle. When a knock came to my door. "Come in," it was probably EU coming to check on me. He does that.

"Mama!" My instinct activates & I looked up to the same countries tackling my torso into a hug. "Sorry kid I'm not your Mama. I could help you find her," I knelt down, placing my rifle on safety before placing it on the sofa. "Don't be silly! Papa, & Father have proof," The one on the left, East said happily. "I'm sorry, who?" All the sudden two countries walked through the door, my instincts started screaming for me to run, but I stayed planted.

"Are these two little guys y'all's?" I asked standing up, the two towered over me.
"Ugh ya, their your sons," Russia said confused. "I don't have children, I've been here since I was little."  The twins looked confused & disappointed. "What the hell do you mean?" It was America's turn to step in.

"I can explain." EU was leaning against the doorway. "Hey boss," I gave a small solute then went neutral again. Russia took the children by their hands. "Does he not remember us, Father?" West asked sadly. "I knew him being locked up here was bad news," East growled.

"Wait. So let me get this straight, you brainwashed Reich, so he doesn't remember anything past 15?" America snarled. "Yes, it was for the elite program, he's the only one who passed." EU explained. "Europe. He doesn't even remember his own children," Russia said, trying to hold Ame back from beating EUs ass.

"I-.... I have sons," I whispered & lightly laughed in shock, sitting back in my seat.
"Yes & instinct will always be instinct, your mothering instinct. Your mind may not remember, but the mother in you always will." EU laughed nervously. "Huh, I'm gonna beat your ass boss," I said smirking.

"Would you like to properly meet them now?" America asked me. "Y-...ya..." I felt small under their gazes.

"Does mama remember us now?" West asked peeking around the corner to me. "I hope so, adults never listen. Should have taken him out when they got the chance." East sassed.

I saw the two 4 year olds ran over to me as I walked out with their fathers. "Ok, I remember you guys now, sorta," I mumbled as the children snuggled into my torso. "Good!" West said nuzzling into my torso & chest. "What did I say," East elbowed West. "Be quiet," West remarked.

I'm in a  good mood today & I read a bunch of oneshots giving me the gay strength i needed to not fucking kill everyone off in this book going forward.  :3

Love you sexy gay ass weirdos that I love oh so much, night/day to you!

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