Stage 1: Starting Out a Little Too Fresh

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        Bright light blinds my eyes as I start to awake. All I see is a vast wasteland of white, then a faint outline of three people, two of them screaming and in obvious conflict while the other tries to calm them down. All I hear are echoes; I can barely make out what they're saying.

        "Please! She's our baby! Please, don't do this! We'll give you money! Anything! Please!"

       Someone else comes in and takes the pair away, but with much resistance. More people enter the room, and one of them comes toward me with a large syringe. My mind hazily attempts to comprehend what's going on, until realization slaps my face in a rude awakening. The cold, metal needle plunges into the right of my neck. I feel my eyes roll to the back of my head as my entire world goes dark.


        I awake abruptly, immediately pulling my back off the lush, green grass I'd been sleeping on. My eyes dart around, noticing how the fields end behind a translucent wall. I shriek, jumping up to my feet instantly. Have I been kidnapped? Where am I? I take staggered steps backward, bumping into something, or someone. I yelp again.

        A woman with dark skin, a pixie cut, and a friendly smile gazes at me with warm eyes. She looks about thirty. "Hello, and how are you doing?" Before I answer she says, "Any queasiness or headaches?"

        "Yeah; I have a cramp and a massive migraine." That's odd; I rarely get sick. Right? "Was it because of what they injected me with?" A smile graces the lady's lips, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

        "My name is Eliza Grassini, but call me Liz. I am sure you have many questions as of now, so please, fire away." She seemed to have wanted to avoid my question, and even though curiosity bites at me, I try to let it go.

        "I don't know where to start. Where am I? Why am I here? And again, is my sickness 'cause of the shot or not?" I blurt out. I apparently have absolutely no self control.

        "You are in the Pearl, a place where people with magical talents are put to embrace their powers and learn more about them. You are here because according to the diagnosis, you're one of us. You belong here; this is your home. And yes," she smiles again, "your symptoms are probably just a side effect from the chemicals and such. Anyways, I will be your guide around here. If you have any questions or concerns, please report to me." I still have a million questions, but I politely keep my mouth shut. "Now, may I ask you a question?"

        "Of course," I reply uncertainly.

        "Do you happen to recall your name at all?" I raise my eyebrow. Of course I do; it's my name.

        "Yes, it is Keilani."

        "Keilani, do you also remember your surname?" Her eyes hold a worried look, and she fiddles anxiously with the rings on her fingers.

        "" This is starting to get creepy. "What's going on? Who are you people? Let me go!" Luz breathes the slightest sigh of relief.

        "It's Vuair. I will escort you to the bathroom so you can wash up. Don't worry Keilani. You're safe here."

        Once in the bathroom, I splash my face with cold water and look in the mirror, realizing I have no idea who the person staring back at me is. My reflection shows a teenage girl with ombre hair that goes from brown to blonde and ends just under my chest. A memory of a kind man with black hair and pale skin braiding my hair comes back to me. There's also a woman that looks like me, sat on the ground in front of me, grinning widely with a twinkle in her eyes. It's a beautiful day, and we're having a picnic. I gasp; they're my parents.

        I suddenly feel a pang of nervousness, for I couldn't remember anything else about them. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing to calm myself down.

        That's right, Kei. Breathe. This is probably just another side effect. I brush my hands on the pants of my blinding, all-white uniform and head out the door.

It'll get longer don't worry. My writing is also pretty terrible here so sorry 'bout that too. :)

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