Clear it! -II-

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Recap: RagLak in their journey

Laksh was happy as all was going fine, even at college they had managed to remain as the toppers, now a whole month has passed by and he had decided something. How to say it to her? It's important, but as she is my wife I can't just decided over her head, we have to discuss about it. Being life partners means to know, what the other one feels and suggests.

Both were very busy, as Ragini didn't waited for him, he missed the opportunity to talk to her.

Ragini on the other side, was on her way to Ujala. It's a big day, today we are going to meet the lawyer, I hope he will be able to help us. Riya aunty recommended him, but I have a bad feeling. Laksh said it could be because it's my first case. I'm overthinking of it, but I want to help her at any costs.

Laksh reaches the kindergarten, where someone was impatiently waiting for him.

"Oh Jaanu I'm so so so sooooo not sorry." He went to the staffroom and changed into more comfortable clothes, ever since he got the job at the his professors place, he has to be more mature. How much I hate this look, I'm looking so much older than I am. Uff, even Ragini makes fun of me, but her smile is worth it.

Soon he comes out and there she was with a force of kids, "you are late." They said in a soft, but authority tone.

Laksh frowns, "I'm not, I said I will start later today cause I had some other work to do, for free." That professor is taking full advantage of this situation, but what to do, I want to be a teacher now. That's what I like.

Ujala was waiting for her, she is sitting ready since hours, today she won't step backwards. The time has come to stand for my rights, I have to show the world I'm not a helpless woman.

Laksh and the kids were having fun, while Ragini finally reached with Ujala to the Advocate office.

"Ujala we will do it, together." Ragini said and both entered the office, the advocate was waiting for them.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Khanna, Miss Ujala. Please have a seat." He offered them the two seats in front of his desk, he had spread a big file and was looking at them, "your case is tough, but not new."

Ragini looked at Ujala, "you don't worry. Mr. Rakesh is a well known lawyer in this field, domestic violence, he has worked with many cases and even for our social house." She felt relieved as she could remember everything not to embarrass herself or him.

"Mrs. Khanna is right, I'm good in my field and I will take your case. I'm very sorry for your lost, 2 unborn children it's very hard, may I ask you a question?"

Ujala looked at him, "yes," she was prepared for all questions he would asked.

"Do you have any report or document, which proves that the lost of the children was caused due to domestic abuse by your husband?"

Ujala nodded, "yes, for the 2nd child it is documented. I don't have it, but at the hospital they had a copy of it. When it happened for the first time I wasn't taken to the hospital, they covered it and blamed me later for the lost." She was holding back her tears, "when I got to know that the second child will be a girl I ran, but he caught me and beaten me up, so that I lost it. But I didn't went back home with him, I ran further and reached a hospital. They tried to rescue her, but the injuries were deep. I lost her." How relieved she was saying it out.

Ragini was holding her hand all the time, "I'm there and I will be there whenever you need me."

"That's great, she needs support and well done. You did the right thing, you didn't ran away like a coward you ran away from a coward who has nothing better to do than to show his power on a helpless woman. I know you are not helpless not anymore and that what you have to keep in mind. They will question you in the court, but you have to give them the answers no matter what comes. Can you do it?!"

Ujala nodded, "yes, I can and I will do it!"

Ragini smiles so was Mr. Rakesh, "by the way. My name is Karan." They smiled at him.

"For the case it will be big benefit when we will get the case file, is it possible for you to get that?" He asked Ujala.

Ragini was thinking, "we can go now, after this here, then I will drop you back. How is that?"

Ujala smiles, a rare smile with shiny eyes, "that would be nice."

Karan was happy, "great support, that's why I work with the social house of Riya."

Ragini was happy. Yes, these connections and the workplace as well as the colleagues it's amazing. Such an unity of competent people in one place, happy to be a part of them. That is what I want to do, I want to help them, who can't speak for themselves. I have to thank Riya aunty again for giving me such an amazing opportunity.

They left and as planned they went to the hospital Ujala got the documents, which Ragini took. "You know I will personally keep them and you don't worry we will fight and win this battle. You will show other women that everything is possible."

"Ragini even if we won't win, I know I won, cause I left him." Ujala had found the courage, "yes, you are right." She dropped her and was awaited by Laksh.

Laksh was in front of Khanna mansion. Ragini was looking at him. I hope he won't create a scene, at least he won't lose his cool.

Okay it will be part three of Clear it 😅

Mr. Ragini Kapoor & Mrs. Lakshya Khanna (Under editing - Completed) Where stories live. Discover now