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Time is indeed fragile like glass. 

It's fleeting when it shattered,

it's heartbreaking when it's gone.

And what do you have left?

Nothing, for you, have to throw every shard away.

It never felt so real, 

until the morning feels wrong. 

The air is humid, 

it's like the curves you taught us are out of control. 

Control, o dear, my tears know no control. 

A one-semester full of catastrophes 

turned into a shortest moment of warmth

You may have made us be acquainted with fear

yet you prove it that on its end, there's love

It's ironic and breathtaking while it lasts. 

Your life will be remembered

just like how you always recognize me with a glance

I just felt I should've stared on your smile for a while

I didn't know it's only here for a while

I wish there are a few more whiles. 

The waft of chalk on your hand

And the worried look you have on us

It is a teacher's yet also of a mom 

Your words always pierce through 

regardless if its a mere opinion or a lecture. 

And now you're gone

I can't seem to accept that it's that. 

How can life so easily end in that? 

Time is mysterious as is Life. 

I don't know if I could ever understand. 

May you hear this silent plea

for this is the only way I could steal

a time to commemorate your wiles. 

My heart goes to you, 

thank you for all those while. 


Author's Note: May her soul rest in peace. Thank you, ma'am, for everything you taught us. We'll make sure to cherish the economy you so wanted for us to learn so that we can be better citizens of the country. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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