"Be careful with my Angel you brute!"

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Izuku sighed as he finished wiping off the last of the tables in the front. It had been a rather busy day since Aizawa, Kacchan, and Yamada were there but Izuku thinks it makes the place livelier. The feeling of Euphoria that engulfs him in a blanket and whispers in his ears that everything was going to be okay, that no one was going to get hurt, soothes his bursting heart.

As he slowly nurtured his out front plants with water,  his door opened, he looked up and opened his mouth to politely tell whoever was coming in that his cafe was closed for the weekend, but wasn't able to get any words out, instead a strangled sound came escaped him, words lodged in his throat.

As he looked up two men walked towards him, one had a ski mask on, and was quite on the bulky side, towering over Izuku. The other looked strangely similar to the man he had served about two weeks ago, blue eyes, black hair (he was wearing a half mask) it was sort of disturbing.

"S-sorry sir's, the cafe is closed for the night-" he smiled nervously.

A white cloth was wrapped around his prominent pink lips as he struggled against the mans tight grip on his fluffy green hair and small neck, squeezing harder and harder into the soft flesh as he dug into the skin, making purple bruises. Izuku kicked and struggled, biting into the palm of the man ruffly before elbowing the burly man in his side.

He fell to his butt and immediately shot up, grabbing a table and pushing himself up and off, stumbling to the back rooms. The table was knocked off and with it a succulent. Grabbing his neck, heavy labored breaths coming from him as tears welled into his eyes, he pushed a couple more tables to the side, knocking a couple other tables down in his haste. He coughed even more, licking his parched lips and tears spilled, making his vision blurry and hard to walk.

The man was faster though, and he got to Izuku faster, before the greenette knew it, he was wearing the man's hand as a necklace. Being strangled. He clawed at the man's hand, a harsh cry coming from his throat, more tears flowing down his cheek. Izuku feet became heavy, his clawing more frantic before slowing down.

His eyes filled with crystal tears that spilled over as he spasmed violently, the air having no place to escape or get too. Everything was quiet, only the slight shuffle of clothes and the shifting of broken glass. For Izuku, everything had faded to the background and he passed out, no longer struggling.

The men tied his hands and legs up and threw him across his shoulder roughly.

"Be careful with my Angel you brute!" the black haired man said as he punched the bigger one in the back, scoffing. They walked towards the back room realizing that Izuku seemed to have storage along with a room off to the side (they had blueprinted the entire place before going through with it) both men decided not to trample over the place, it was already messy as is in the front.

It had been two weeks since the ban was lifted off of Aizawa, Hizashi, and Bakugou, and boy had they taken up all of his confectionaries and ground coffee (specifically Aizawa).

On a late Wednesday afternoon when Aizawa went to see the Cafe, he realized that one, the door was unlocked and two, there was a white cloth on the floor.

Aizawa ran towards the back room, hoping and(despite not being a religious man)praying that what he think happened, didn't.

He jogged back and forth towards the back room and then the front, his eyes skimmed around. There was a table knocked over and a now damp washcloth on the floor. Beside it, a neatly folded white rag and some type of liquid spilled on the floor in the front.  Plant dirt, fertilization, and a pot had been knocked on the floor.

Aizawas eyes narrowed as he turned into detective Aizawa but then shut off as the lack of sleep got to him, yep time to call the actual detective.


As Naomasa got out of the hastily got out of the car, a flashlight and note pad in hand, he walked towards Aizawa who was leaning begrudgingly against the green wall of the Cafe, arms folded as he tapped his foot impatiently on the concrete staring off into space.

When Naomasa finally came into Aizawas peripheral vision his head shot up and he looked whole heartedly furious.

"What took you so long it's been an hour since I called you!" Aizawa stormed over towards Tsukauchi, irk marks appearing on his face as he put his hands on Naomasas shoulders.

"Sorry sorry, I had to comfort Nighteye into uh doing 'something'" the black haired male scratched his cheek as he turned towards his teammates who look confused as all hell.
"A-anyways, uh what'd you call me here for?"

Aizawa glowered at him angrily as he took hold of Naomasa's shirt and pulled up. Having gotten used to this over the years that he had conversed with the underground hero, he just let it happen as his colleagues tried their bests not to run over and yank him out of the shaggy haired mans grip. Aizawa on the other hand, had half a mind to slam him face first into the hard ground underneath his feet.

Soon enough (after Aizawa got over his small temper tantrum) Tsukauchi and his teammates where out on the the loose, taking in every bit of the 'crime scene', Sansa, a yellow eyed cat man (as Aizawa liked to call him when Sansa had already explained multiple times that it was a very diverse mutation of his quirk) looked around, a strong scent of chloroform in the air, despite being heavenly masked by the scent of plants and catnip.

Sansa has managed to sift through the scents and pointed towards the neatly folded white cloth on the floor.

"That one, it has Chloroform on it, they must have used it to knock the boy out"

Aizawa gritted his teeth, as his fists tightened, the boy had gotten weirdly close to him in such a short amount of time and the small friendship that he'd formed with the boy was cherished by him, he felt warmth in his chest and sighed, he wished it was to stay there.

"Although it looks like they where rather stupid.. they didn't use gloves" Sansa put his nose towards it and sniffed on the other side cautiously, where a hand was supposed to be, "burnt ash and blood, it seems maybe the kidnapper was Dabi, the, possible, only fire user in the league of villains."

Sansa lifted up from off is knees and put his furry hand under his chin as Naomasa spoke up "Why would they leave there tracks behind, why would the league of villains want the boy in the first place.."


Izuku stirred silently, his big green eyes opening as he yawned, seemingly not worried about where he was or why he was rigged up to a wooden chair in the first place.

He looked up skeptically and looked around,  coughing softly. It looked like he was in a warehouse. He wiggled his feet and tried to wiggle his legs but they where tied tightly together, he also tried to wiggle his hands but couldn't move those either. He shivered and gritted his teeth, it was really cold.

Soon enough two people walked in, light showing off Izukus pale skin and onto his many freckles, he squinted his eyes as light flooded into them.

"Ah look..our angel is up"

There's no ships in this story...unless

1014 words

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