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(A/N- Happy Pride 😌😌)

4th May, 1963

The sun shone brightly through the closed black curtains in the room that George had woke up in. It took the boy a while for the boy's eyes to get used to his surroundings, but as soon as he saw the sleeping man next to him, that was the only answer.

He was in Ringo's room.

The man brought a hand up to his head, running it through his hair and thinking hard. He had no idea what had happened last night, the last thing he remembered was ordering his drink from the girl behind the bar.

But when he turned his head to the left, he noticed a small photo frame. Inside, there was a photo of George, Ringo, John and Paul.

That's when he remembered. He had basically 'walked in' on John and Paul sucking each other's faces off. And they didn't even know that he knew...

And he'd told Ringo, the man who was still sleeping next to him, who probably thought he was some crazy 20 year old who got too drunk and was seeing things.

But George knew what he saw. He still remembered it so clearly. He even remembered shrugging and walking away, as if it was normal and he'd seen two of his best friends make out that passionately before.

Then the questions came...

How long had this been going on for?

Is that why Paul broke up with Jane?

The other man had never actually explained his decision in breaking up with her, they were so busy that day that he forgot to explain it all like he said he would do.

"Shit..." George spoke, staring infront of jinx completely forgetting about the man who was next to him.

Ringo began to stir in his sleep, having heard the frustrated noise. George sighed and looked over to him, as he slowly woke up.

"Geo?" He asked raising a hand to his head and moving his hair from his face.

"Mhm. It's just me." George spoke, leaning his head on the headboard of the bed and bringing his knees up to his face. The man showed no signs of leaving any time soon.

"You alright?" Ringo asked, also beginning to sit up. "You had a lot to drink last night."

"Surprisingly, I feel fine... No headaches or nothin'." George shrugged.

"That is surprising." The older man chuckled.

"How drunk was I? Like I know I had a lot or whatever but on a scale of one to ten?"

"About a 9.8... I mean, you even thought you saw John and Paul both makin' out." He laughed, looking directly into George's eyes, smiling.

So Ringo did think he was lying.

How was George going to tell him that he was definitely not joking, and he was telling the truth? Ringo seemed pretty convinced that George was just seeing things.



"I wasn't lying." George said, sternly, wanting to make sure that Ringo knew he wasn't joking at all. That seemed to work, as the smile from the older man's face slowly began to disappear. "I walked outside, I don't know why but I did, and I saw them both there. I think they were behind the bins, just snogging."

"What? We're they even hidden?" He asked, seeming more worried now than before.

"No. Literally, all I did was open the gate and turn my head and that was the first thing I saw." George sighed, looking away from Ringo. "And now they're probably lying in bed together at John's place with no clue in the world that I saw them."

"Oh..." His voice sounded unsure.

"Hm?" George could clearly hear the shift, as if he also remembered something. He turned to face Ringo again.

"Well, when I went to tell them we were leavin', I told them how you 'thought' you saw them making out, and they seemed to fall pretty silent afterwards. But at the time my priority was just to get you out so I didn't really realise, until now..."

"So they know?"


"Oh lord. I bet they were terrified. I mean, it's not just their secret anymore."

"No, you're right." The older man sighed. "Maybe we should talk to them about it... I mean it would only be right."

"Yeah." George sighed. "But like what would we even say? Just: 'Oh yeah, so we talked and now we have both come to the conclusion that George was right, and he did see you both making out, and please fuckin' explain why. And be careful next time'?"

"Yes. Exactly that." Ringo smirked, smiling.

George laughed, shaking his head at Ringo's stupid but sort of pretty smile. The smile he always did when George did little things like answer his own questions or just what the four lads used to call 'George things'.

No, George. You don't want to get yourself into a situation like John and Paul...

You just can't.

"I don't wanna go just yet though." The younger man said, pulling the sheets back over him and sinking dramatically down into the bed again.

"Well, how about you stay in here for a while, and I'll make us somethin' to eat yeah? And we can go after."

"You sure?" George asked, looking up at Ringo, who was climbing out of bed.

"Course I am. 'M not tired anymore."


George watched as his best friend left the room.

He tried to move his attention away from Ringo, and towards the fact that his other friends had been sleeping with eachother. Sure, they had always been close, but George never thought they could have been this close.

But it did just make sense...

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