Chapter 5

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"Did you see who did this?" Chioma turned around and questioned Funmi, watching and taking note of the reactions that crossed her face.

"No, I wasn't around, I went to my mother's last night. I couldn't sleep alone in this house and-"

"Funmi, the piercing knife that you had, the one that just got stolen, we suspect it to be the weapon that killed Evelyn," Chioma said as she brought out her phone to call Michael.

"What?!! That's impossible! There must be a mistake somewhere, that's my grandmother's. I have had it since I moved here, two years ago."

"What else did the thief take?"

"Nothing else, my grandmother's necklace, and the other items along with the knife. I didn't notice anything else missing."

"And is there anyone else that would confirm that you really left the house, apart from your mother?" Chioma looked at her phone again, Michael hadn't picked.

"Yeah, Angela would. When she came to take the rest of her belongings yesterday. I told her I would be going to my mother's house. I got back this morning to see all this, I still believe there is a huge mistake somewhere. That knife can't be the knife that killed Evelyn."

"Well, the thief was here for something last night, and that was the knife. He or she must have known or suspected we were coming for it today."

"But if they were after the knife, why then did they take other items, my grandma's necklace can't kill?!"

"Because they obviously wanted it to look like a normal robbery, not a break in to steal back a murder weapon." She looked down at her phone and dialled Michael again, "Hold on," She said to Funmi and walked out of the house.

The phone rang for a few seconds before Michael finally answered.

"Hey, talk to me," Said the somehow muffled voice of Michael.

"Why do you sound like that?" Chioma asked, Michael sounded like he had something in his mouth.

"Sound like what?"

"Like that, how you sound now."

"I don't know what you are talking about."



"Are you eating on duty?"

"Maybe," he replied timidly, "Ok, before you dictate Section Two A of the office rules. I had to eat, ok? It was either that or I would have died. Do you want me to die? Huh? Because if I do, my ghost will haunt you. And if you report me to Sarah and she gives me one of her killer looks and I die, my ghost will still haunt you and if-"

"Shut up!" Chioma got fed up.


"Just finish up and meet me back at the Edward's house. There is something I want us to check out." She didn't wait for him to answer, she hung up. Chioma turned around to see Funmi staring at her, fear written over her face.

"W–What's wrong?" She asked quietly.

"I would advice that you go sleep at a friend's house or your mother's place. Also, if I find out you weren't really at your mother's place last night. I will find you." With those words, she walked back to her car, got in and drove off.

Chioma knew she should have brought Funmi in for questioning, but something was wrong somewhere. This murderer was playing games with her and she didn't like it at all.

She had been driving for five minute when she noticed that a black car has been following her. She adjusted her front view mirror and glanced at it to see behind her, she could make out a hooded figure driving the car.

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