Chapter 9

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Michael walked into the office building, he was putting on a black suit— well, kinda. The outer black shirt was hanging across his arms, the inner white wasn't tucked in. His hair was in a mess, showing that it wasn't combed. The black tie was loose around his neck, his eyes were a bit red and blinked slowly every ten seconds. He held the can of an energy drink in his left hand.

Murmurs arose when the fellow office workers saw him passing by, Michael who had once won the neatest employee was doing a big disgrace to that title. The men looked at him in envy, even unruly, he was still looking hot.

He climbed up the step slowly, grunting as he took each step.

"Hey, Anita, has Chioma arrived?" He asked a young lady who was passing by.

"No Michael, I haven't seen her," Anita said, offering a small smile before walking away.

"Ha!" He laughed. "And I thought I was late."

"You are late," Anita said.



"What do you mean you can't find my house... No! For the last time, I live at 34 Deris street not Dennis street... Yes... Deris!... Good! I am waiting." She hung the call on the uber driver she had called to pick her up. "Jesus, when will I get to the office today?!"

Kachi was meant to drop Chioma off at work but she had been called early in the morning due to an emergency at the hospital.

She picked up her phone and scrolled down to find the 'Beach Buggy' game. Clicking on it, she waited for the game to load...

Na wa oo, I haven't passed this stage since.

She had finished playing six races without passing the level, she was going to give it another trial, when her other phone beeped, it showed that the Uber man had arrived. Quickly she jumped up, taking her bag, phone and keys which was laying on the floor and rushed out, making sure to lock the door.

She walked towards the car and entered, shutting the door behind her.

"Sorry for the delay Miss," The Uber driver said politely.

Chioma was about to talk to him in an annoyed manner, but the way he talked to her, made a smile and shake her head, in a ‘no problem’ manner.

"Where are we going to today Miss?" He asked.

"Uhmm... HOD, Off Kingsley road." He nodded his head, she closed her eyes and relaxed and the only voice that spoke through the car ride was the machine voice, which helped in pointing out directions.

Chioma didn't know when she slept off, she woke up to the driver shaking her arm. After they had settled everything, she got out and rushed towards the building. Offering smiles and nods at the greeting she received as walked to her office. She walked in, closing the door behind her.

"You're late." A voice said.

"Aaaaaaargh!" She screamed, jumping up with her hands on her chest, she looked to her right to see Michael laying down on the two sitter couch in her office, his leg was hanging off, because the chair couldn't accommodate his whole size.

"Ha ha!" He laughed, eyes closed, mouth wide open. "You looked like a chicken!" He stood up laughing as he walked over to her.

"What are you doing here Michael? How did you even get in here?" She walked towards her office chair.

"I performed magic." He followed her taking a sit in one of the visitors chair.
"What happened? You're a mess," She said taking a good look at him.

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