Chapter 7

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"For the last time Sochi, No. I am busy, I can't go with you," Michael said as he threw punches at the bag in front of him. Grunts escaping his lips after each one. He was shirltess as he didn't like to wear shirts when boxing, so the sweats won't stick to his clothes.

"Please Michael, I am begging you. My friends are going to be there with their boyfriends, I don't want to be left alone."

"What don't you understand by, 'I don't want to date you anymore' Date? Or anymore? We aren't together again, I broke up with you, that's it." He gave a heavy sigh and reached out for the stool beside him where a bottled water stood. He took it, uncapped and took large gulps of water, sending it down his throat.

"Please Michael, do this one thing for me and I will never disturb you, ever again."

"That's what you said the last time, and the other time before that, and oh! Shockingly, I do believe this is your voice asking for my help again." He walked towards his towel which hung from a hanger, putting it around his neck.

His ex girlfriend, Sochima, has been disturbing him since morning to be her date to a dinner party. She said she just wanted his company and nothing more, but Michael knew more than that, she uses stuff like this to try to get them back together.

"This is the last time Michael, please." Her voice said again through the Bluetooth piece on Michael's ear.

"Fine, I will think about it-"

"It's today Michael, you can't think about it, thanks so much, come pick me by seven." Without giving Michael time to reply, she cut the call.

Michael pulled the earpiece of his ear and threw it to a corner at the room. He walked out of his gym room and headed to his bathroom, he needed a bath.

Michael lay down in his bathtub, the foam caused by the soap in the water covered his naked body. His arms were resting by the side of the bathtub and his head was laid back, eyes closed. Only one question ran through his mind.

Why did I kiss her?

"This is stupid," He said out loud suddenly. "This is Chioma I am talking about, I mean, she is very beautiful, with her long hair, sexy brown eyes, those full lips and the way she scrunched her nose whenever she is annoyed with me is just so cute and also... I am naked, talking to myself like a mad man."

He ran his hand over his short hair, giving a loud sigh as he went lower, allowing the water to swallow him.


Later Michael found himself driving to the Edward's house, he needed to check what Chioma had pointed out yesterday.

When he arrived, he parked his car, turning off the ignition and stepping out, he walked towards the grand entrance door of the Edward's house. He pushed his index finger into the button, which had the image of a bell drawn on it.

Minutes later a maid opened the door, it was the same maid who had led them to Evelyn's room the other day.

"How can I help you?" She asked quietly.

"Hi, I am Michael, with the homicide department. Would you mind if I come in, I need to look round Evelyn's room again," He said while showing her his badge.

"O-ok, come in." She stepped to the side and Michael walked into the mansion.

"Only the helps are around, the Edwards went out " She told him as she led him upstairs, Michael looked around the house, it was eerily quiet.

"I'll leave you to do your thing," She said when they reached Evelyn's door and walked away.

Michael opened the door slowly, staring at same room he had walked into Christmas day. Nothing had changed really, except the blood stains were gone. He walked into the room and looked around, inspecting every corner.

Murder On Christmas EveWhere stories live. Discover now