Chapter 8

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Evelyn's p.o.v.

Time really flies fast. It seems like I was here for about only two days, but to my surprise, it's already two months. Everything here is so full of surprises and fun. I mean, it's much better than the maths, boring history and other studies we have to learn in muggle schools. And most importantly today's Halloween. I love Halloween, like a lot.

I layed my head boredly on the table, almost asleep. For the entire time in charm class, we've been learning the swish and flick for a simple spell from Professor Filtwick, a three feet professor, who was almost as short as any elf or goblin and needs a stack of books to look taller.

" One of the most rudimentary skill is levitation, or the ability to make objects fly. " Professor Flitwick made a motion of flying with his hands, before asking, " Do you have your feathers? " Hermione raised her feather for the professor to see, which was actually unnecessary. But anyways, she's a know-it-all so it is necessary for her to do that. " Good. Now, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing. Swish and flick. Everyone. Swish and flick. And enunciate, Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go. "

" Wingardium Leviosaaaaa... " I heard Mouthfoul chant, and smirked when nothing happens to his feather.

Hermione and I hadn't even tried to do, and stared at others who were trying.

" Wingardium Leviosar. " Ron waves his wand impatiently at the feather, while Hermione, who sitting next to him, started lecturing him. " No, stop, stop, stop! You're going to take someone's eye out. " Hermione stated, pushing his wand down to the table. " Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's LeviOsa, not Leviosar. " I swear they're so cute together, and will end up together at the end of year seven.

" You do it then, if you're so clever, go on, go on. " Ron snorted.

Hermione and I nodded to each other, before taking our wands up, and chanted at the same time. " Wingardium Leviosa. "

Our feathers began floating up in the air, while Ron layed his head grouchily at the stack of books infront of him and everyone stopped trying to look at our feathers.

" Oh, well done! See here, everyone, Miss Granger and Potter has done it! " Flitwick praised.

" Wingardium Leviosa. " Seamus flicked his wand furiously at the feather and- BOOM. His face was once again covered with soot.

" I think we're going to need another feather over here, professor. " Harry said, still looking stunned at the now burned feather.

" You're right, Mr. Obvious. " I commented with sass, while Harry glared playfully at me.


We exited the class room, and into an open air, heading towards another tower or building, whatever.

" It's LeviOsa, not Leviosar. " Ron mocked, while Dean, Seamus, Neville and Harry laughed at Hermione's lecture.

Hermione and I tagged behind silently, listening furiously at their conversation.

" She's a nightmare, honestly! No wonder she hasn't got any friends! " Ron snorted. Hermione finally couldn't take it anymore, and rushed infront banging her shoulder with Ron's, before storming off.

I too, stormed infront of them, glaring furiously. " I'm her friend. Is there any problem? " They looked fearfully at me, before shaking their heads quickly. " Piss off. "

I scurried towards the direction where I last saw Hermione, and raced into the building.

After a while, I heard some sniffing in the girls bathroom, and reached a locked door, with Hermione inside, I presume. " Hermione, are you okay in there? It's me, Evelyn. " I asked, my voice laced with concern. " Don't listen to Ron, he's... dumb. "

Evelyn Potter and the Sorcerer's stone ( Draco Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now