Chapter 9

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Evelyn's p.o.v.

I woke up at the hospital wing a few days ago, and guess what? Today's my first day at Quidditch match! I'm currently gobbling up the foods into my throat. I know that some people are nervous before Quidditch match, and hardly eat. But that's totally impossible for me.

" Eat some toast, mate. " Ron urged Harry, who was playing with his food, not even taking one bite. " Go on. "

" Ron's right. You need your strength today. " Hermione agrees.

" Good luck today, Potters. You've proven yourself against a troll, Quidditch should be easy work for you. " A voice that belongs to Professor Snape suddenly drawled from behind us, causing us to turn and face him. " Even if it is against Slytherin. "

He glanced at us for a moment, with no expression on his face, and walked- no, limped his way to the teachers table. Wait a minute, why is he limping?

" That explains the blood. " Harry said, causing the three of our heads immediately snapped to him.

" Blood? " Hermione and I asked in unison, totally confused.

" I'm guessing Snape let in the troll as division, so that he can get past the dog. " Harry explains. " But he got bit, that's why he's limping. "

" But why would anyone want to go near that dog? " Hermione asked, still confused.

" At Grigotts, Hagrid took something out of the vault, saying it was Hogwarts business, very secret. " I concluded.

" You're saying... " Hermione's sentence trailed off at the end, waiting for us to continue it.

" That's what the dog's guarding, that's what Snape wants. " Harry finishes, with a pleased look on his face.

An owl's screech interrupted our conversation, causing heads, including ours, to turn towards the window where owls normally come into the hall, and to all our surprise, the two owl that was holding an odd parcel each, was Redwig and Hedwig.

The parcels dropped from the owl's claw and into our hands.

" Bit too early for mail, isn't it? " Ron asked. He and Harry crowded over Harry's parcel, and Hermione and I crowded over mine.

" But we never get mail. " I reasoned, looking curiously at the parcel, itching to tear it open.

" Let's open it! " Ron exclaimed excitedly. The boys teared Harry's, and Hermione and I teared mine open.

" It's a broomstick. " Hermione stated, while we backed away a little from the table to take a good look at it.

" It's not just a broomstick. It's Nimbus 2000! " Ron said in awe, causing the entire table looked towards us , or more at the broom in disbelief, especially Oliver, who was sitting next to Harry, eyes look like they were about to drop out of its socket, while he kept blinking to make sure he isn't dreaming.

" But who.... " Harry and I whispered, our eyes automatically looked up and saw our owls with McGonagall, who smiled warmly at us. Ha! So it's her, eh? I just love her so much.


I walked in between Angelina and Katie, with my new Nimbus 2000 in my hand, while looking calm and collected on the outside, but nervous like hell on the inside.

We stood in a two rows, except for me. I stood in between Angelina and Katie like before, and infront of us was two doors, which leads to the open field, which was surrounded by the audience seats, where our friends are sitting.

I saw Harry talking with Oliver for a moment, before the wooden doors opened up. We launched our brooms, zooming into the field, causing cheers and clapping to erupt from our supporters.

Evelyn Potter and the Sorcerer's stone ( Draco Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now