Chapter 23

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     The sound of the bomb going off ricocheted through the room. I instinctively covered my belly as if that would be enough to shield the babies from the blast. Luckily the guys planned things out right as the blast from the bomb didn't come anywhere near my room. Although, Axel was in a protective stance in front of me in case anything did happen.

     I looked at Axel with wide but impressed eyes. "What the hell have you guys gotten into?" I muttered as Axel grabbed my hand and we slowly made our way out of my room.

     There was a big commotion going on up ahead of us at the interception of my hallway and the hallway housing convicted criminals of the council. There was yelling, grunting, and growling coming from around the corner as Axel let go of my hand and reached into the waistband of his jeans.

     I slapped his arm, looking at him like he was mad. "A gun? We're supernaturals for fuck's sake! Why the hell do you have a gun?" I whispered yelled at him. I mean, we can't even be harmed by bullets.

     He smirked as he showed me a bullet. "Atticus and the coven have been working on these for weeks. Trust me, they'll work." I looked at the bullet closer, noticing that there were marks and patterns carved into the bullets. Now, that I noticed it, I could feel the magic vibrating from them.

     The noises got louder, drawing our attention to the real task at hand. "Stay close to me, Princess. And, please, don't try to be a fucking badass right now. I would die if something happened to you. Not to mention, the guys would skin me alive if you got hurt on my watch." I smiled at him. I just couldn't be happier to finally have him back. My wolf was running fields just being in his presence.

     We turn the corner to see a few witches and warlocks unlocking the remaining cells of the prisoners. Werewolves, vampires, witches, and warlocks were fighting amongst the council for freedom. Little did I know, the council has a very tight security unit. It was becoming impossible to see any sort of exit amongst the chaos.

     I watched as body after body was being dropped dead on the cold floor of the hallway. Blood was splattered on the walls and floor much like a painting as the prisoners were slowly making their way through the security guards.

     Axel held his gun up from our corner as he fired and hit one of the guards who was choking a teenage girl. I watched as the guard's body was burned from the inside out. Whoa.

     Axel laughed like a psychopath. "Holy shit. These things are sick!" I rolled my eyes but smiled at his obsession with his new toy. Although, I felt so helpless just standing next to Axel as he fired round after round at the remaining security guards. However, I was not going to be the hero of this adventure. I had my babies to worry about now.

     I watched the last remaining guard be torn down by a werewolf as the room went into silence. There were a lot of prisoners, but a lot more bodies. Axel grabbed my hand as we walked from around the corner. Everyone in the hallway bowed their heads as we made our way through.

     "What the hell is going on, Ax?" I asked under my breath as we walked by each person.

     He looked down at me as he smiled softly. "They helped us, Rose. You're our luna, remember?" I couldn't help the blush and smile that spread across my face. I never even thought about the actual terms that would be used for me or what that would entail. I'm the luna over the three species in this region.

     We made our way to the door where Axel pressed a button on his watch, making the monitor next to the door glitch out. We waited as the lock on the door unlatched, making the door accessible. Everyone filed out of the room after us as we silently made our way up the stairs. I leaned over and groaned inwardly as I looked up and saw that we were far from escaping yet.

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