Chapter Seven

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Theme song to the top or side.

Theme song: "Talk Dirty to Me" by Jason Hood

I know Steve knew what I had in mind because he drove faster than he should have but I let him. I only got six more days with him and they will be the best ones ever.

After all bad girls make good girlfriends. So we will make this our week. Right as we got there I grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs, imedietly tearing off our clothes we where about I start and I remembered something.

I danced over to the door and locked it.

Then grabbing the back of his waist and neck while kissing him. Two people becoming one.


The door bell rang.

Shit, Isabel.

"Omigod, hurry hurry!" I squealed

We rushed to put on our clothes and I sprayed the room and hallway quick the dashed to the door.

"Sorry, Isabel-" I was about to say I left something here, but got cut off.

"Dammit Elizabeth, get your ass in this car now we are going home!"

I turned and kissed Steve goodbye, long and some tongue too just to spite her. I love my sister but I love him too.

Isabel took my arm and shoved me to the car, I rolled down the window and shouted

"I love you!"

"Love you too!" Isabelle shut the window

"Liz I told you to wait at home not cuddoodal with your boyfriend in his room!"



"I'm sorry that you don't like it, I really am, but I love him doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"How do you know what love is? I'm the only person to love you in a long time."

"Just because my family doesn't love me doesn't mean I can't love someone." I crossed my arms not liking the fact that she pointed out I was not the favorite o my aunt.

"Liz you know what I mean, I'm being honest here; you have to know how to properly love to fall in love."

"So tell me how can I properly love," I mocked her

"Loving is not about sex, 'Lizabeth it is about caring about someone and getting along with them and wanting to be around them."

I don't think she was done but I butted in

"I care about, get along with and want to be around Steve."

"That isn't the point!" she yelled

"Then what is the point? Huh?"

"The point is there are many other ways to show a person you love them without having sex! I don't want you to ruin your teenage life like I did, Liz! We no longer have parents to pay for getting rid of the baby before it comes out sweetheart. If you get pregnant we have to keep it! The last thing we need is another mouth to feed, Liz!"

Wait, wait, wait. 'like I did'

"Bell," I said gently, all traces of anger gone "Lucas got you pregnant?"

She nodded "We didn't want to tell you. I'm sorry it came out this way."

We were sitting in the driveway. I reached over and gave her a hug.

"Liz, I never intended for you find out especially not like this. Kids would be hard work. We are still barley back on our feet from when Mom and Dad died. Mr. Crepsley was a big help to us, and I mean big."

"Whose that?" I knew how I know Mr. Crepsley but how does she?

"Oh don't worry about that he is a family friend left before he got to formally meet you."

"Oh," I say pretending I don't really know him like I do. The real question is, does she? "Does the rest of the family know him?"

"No he went to college with Dad," Well that's a bit unsettling. Add that to the list of things I need to ask Mr. Crepsley about.

"Go to your room," Isabel is looking out the window I turn too I catch a glimpse of red, speak of the devil, Mr. Crepsley is here.

"Now! Lock the door close and bolt the window and shut the curtains. Go in the closet lock that door and if I say so go through the security door."

What is going on, Isabel is scaring me. I nod and run as fast as humanly possible, not full speed, and do as she said.

As I am hidden behind lots and lots of clothes I realize I shouldn't be scared. Mr. Crepsley wouldn't take me and if anyone else tried I would scare them off by having a snack; from their necks.

Ten minuets later there is a knock of my door

"Liz, it's me," Isabel says

I carefully come out and look under that door to see if she is alone. She is. I open the door and she pulls me in for a hug.

"Thank you for making sure nobody was forcing me to get you out you are so smart. Nobody was there they left. I saw water foot prints on the steps but that was it. Now go to bed." Nodding I make my way to the stairs.

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