Chapter Ten

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Theme song: "Raise Your Glass" by P!nk

"You three came here, I was hammered, I poured you guys a glass and you downed it. We drank two bottles of wine and we were all wasted beyond compare. Darren and Liz left together but that was fine with me I like him.

"Steve stayed at our place, going on a rant about those two, and well I won't quote him, then we continued drinking and passed out on the couch."

"What am I like drunk?" I ask

"You giggle constantly and flirt with inanimate objects," Darren snickered "don't laugh Darren you sing a lot, and Steve is a biker dude Casanova." I rolled my eyes

"Ouch my" I lifted up my shirt and whimpered. My stomach is covered in scratches and scabs and bruises.

"H-how?" Then I remembered falling on a bottle

"I fell on a wine bottle," I said. Everyone lets out a breath Steve pulls me close.

"I don't blame us for doing this, Isabelle knows about us too," I say filling the silence and letting them know for sure that she is filled in completely

"We gotta go now," Isabelle spoke for me I don't like that.

"Oh my-, we have school!" Darren said

"Let's just blow it off," Steve huffed.

"Not like a week is going to make a difference for us Darr he's right," I say

I look at Isabel for confirmation, she shrugs

"Out on your own you will make independent decisions," she claimed

"I just want to hang out with you babe," Steve practically begs.

I nod "We will stay,'' Even if we went there is no way I was leaving Steve he would have to come to my classes with me. My mouth throbbed as I yawned

"Liz!" Isabelle cried

"Oh, sorry I can't control them yet,"

"I can't either," Darren complained

"I will ask when Crepsley brings more blood to drink about it kay?"

"You drink that stuff?"

"Um yeah there a problem?"


We started to raise our voices

"Get to our house!" Isabelle hissed

We sulked over to our place then continued our heated conversation about my drinking blood.

"I'm sorry you disapprove," I said and even though it was my house I grabbed Steve's hand and stormed out of the room

"Won't drink blood my ass I smell it on his breath that lying self-serving, son-of-a-bitch," my rant continued as I went into my room

Steve got tired of me talking trash about his friend so he slapped me. I got burning mad. I grabbed his wrist and did the only thing I could think of doing as I saw the vein.

I sunk my fangs into his hand without thinking I drank.

Darren opened the door so instinctively I looked up and got tackled to the ground. I took a deep shaky breath and apologized. Steve is holding his hand and stomping in pain. My eyes burn the first sign of crying but no tears come.

"Oh my god Darren get Crepsley. Venom." I said panicked

"Hear that sweet, you might get to come with me after all." I laugh almost psychotically "you might become a vampire too."

"Move," Crepsley got here fast "what happened."

"He hit me so I grabbed his hand and saw the vein and I bit it with my fangs and drank some of his blood. Do I have venom in them?"

"I have never seen a vampire with fangs show me,"

I did, they are impressive. He put his finger to it and pulled away quick

"I would presume they do, and will change him also,"

"Why do I have fangs?"

"We will find out in only 10-15 years when you become a full-blood,"

"Will he be totally sterile and me barren?" I blurted a bit to egarly

"You I have no idea, not that it matters correct?"

We waited for a long time Steve had passed out. Finally he woke up.

"I'm thirsty." he smiled "for blood."

We stared

"I'm not kidding chop, chop now,'' he clapped his hands twice and Crepsley handed him a bottle of blood which he drank eagerly "I can't believe I'm a vampire. Babe this is a dream come true."

"I'm just glad your alive, he said vampires don't have fangs," Steve proceeded to show off his shining new razors. They are totally hot.

I kissed him he grabbed my waist and pulled me down on him. He is half sitting half laying on his bed. We moved him their as he was asleep. I am surprised at his strength.

"You get those from me," I say between kisses and he thanks me for them. I'm so happy I don't know what to do with myself! We made out until Darren cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Did you want a turn?" I stood up after Steve said that and pretended to make out with Darren having a lot of exaggerated kissing noises and hair flips even though we are 6 inches apart Steve gets jealous. I can smell it. Strange, but useful.

"Sorry he just makes me loose control sometimes," I say exasperated then giggle.

Steve is sitting on the edge now so I drop to his lap, warping his arms around my waist keeping my hands on his.

"See you three on Wednesday." Crepsley left

"I'm out," Darren put his hands up in defeat and left.

"Lets not," Steve sounded like he was wore out

"What? Steve Lenard having self-control? Unheard of." I giggled but kissed his nose.

"I think I got a cold be carful,"

"I have bigger things to works about than catching your cold, but you sound tired so how about some soup?''

"Perfect" he sighed

I danced downstairs and took a chicken noodle soup to put on the stove top.

"Are you hungry, Liz" Isabel looked up from her book I didn't know she was here

"No, Steve has a cold." I say still twirling all around as I get a bowl and spoon. I hear faint coughing from upstairs. Poor baby, it think

It's done so I take a bowl upstairs careful not to spill it. When I got there he thanked me and ate it in 5 seconds. I told him its supposed to take a while to eat its called busy food.

"Maybe you will entertain me hmm?" He said reaching for me

"We have forever now, so I was thinking-"

"Don't think, just come here and-"

"No. We are just kids; I only did that because it was the last chance I had. But I've been given more choices so I am going to wait okay, love?" He sighed but nodded.

"Sometimes your responsibility is the death of me," he said.

I turned on a movie but fell asleep half way through.

I had a strange dream were I was on a helicopter with this lady and she fell out I had to fly it around to find her and try to get her back in the copter. It was fun to fly.

I felt someone shaking my shoulder

"Wake up aren't you hungry for dinner?"

"Let me sleep," I groan

Steve sighs "Okay but can I stay?"

I nod making room for him. When he lays I wrap my arms around him slugging my nose in his neck, where his smell is strongest.

Changing // DISCONTINUED जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें